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例句 It was with a feeling akin to despair that I realized the car was not going to start.当我意识到汽车发动不起来的时候,我的心情近乎绝望。Even casual readers of the business pages will be aware of Greenspan's influence.即使偶尔看报纸商务版的人也能意识到格林斯潘的影响力。We realized we weren't going to get the job finished, so we decided to call it a day.我们意识到我们完成不了这工作,于是决定今天到此为止。When she realized she had mistaken him for his brother, she was horrified at her gaffe.意识到错把他当成他弟弟时,对自己的失礼大为吃惊。The realization of how little work I'd done for the exams brought me abruptly back down to earth.意识到要考试了,可我还没怎么复习呢,我一下子被拉回到了现实中来。For the first time in my life I realized that I was the powerful one.我平生第一次意识到我是强者。Artists finally awoke to the aesthetic possibilities of photography.画家终于意识到了摄影的美学潜质。I started to explain but stopped short when I realized Adam was in the room.我开始解释,但是意识到亚当在房间里,我突然停了下来。It has come to my attention that some people were offended by my comments.意识到我的评论冒犯了一些人。The bank is alert to the danger.银行充分意识到了危险。He realized at once that he'd picked up a loose tail.他立刻意识到他已被人远远地盯上了。He realized he had blundered by picking such an experienced player for the team.意识到把这样一个缺乏经验的选手选入队中是个愚蠢的错误。He realized that he had made a horrible mistake.意识到自己犯了个严重的错误。Students are becoming acutely aware that they need more than just paper qualifications.学生越来越强烈地意识到他们需要的不仅是一纸文凭。When I first came to college I realized that brainpower didn't count for much.初到大学时,我意识到智力并不那么重要。Moira was half-asleep when the phone rang and it took her a few seconds to realize what it was.莫伊拉非常困,这时电话铃响了,几秒钟后她才意识到那是什么声音。For a moment Jonathan glimpsed the solitude of the true artist.乔纳森突然之间意识到真正艺术家的孤独。I was shocked by the realization of what I had done.意识到自己干了什么后大为震惊。Her words brought home the enormity of what was happening.她的话让人意识到所发生事情的严重性。Do they realize we are racing towards complete economic collapse?.他们意识到我们的经济马上要彻底崩溃了吗?We are cognizant of the problem.我们意识到了这个问题。She became conscious of Rudolph looking at her.她开始意识到鲁道夫正在看她。The school is performing well, but we recognize the need for further improvement.学校现在运作良好,但我们意识到还需要进一步的改进。I realize it may sound strange to you.意识到对你而言这听上去可能很奇怪。I realized I was watching something exceptional.意识到我看到的是某种与众不同的东西。He realized none of his schoolmates would come to his defense.意识到没有一个同学会挺身为他辩护。At that time, I rushed for my gun because I was cognizant of the impending danger.那个时候我掏枪是因为我意识到了即将到来的危险。The blood rushed to her face as she realized her error.当她意识到了自己的错误时血一下子涌上了她的脸。The remedy for the problem was only dimly perceived by scientists until recently.直到最近科学家们才隐约意识到解决该问题的办法。When we arrived at customs we realized we had more than the permitted number of items.我们到了海关才意识到携带物品过多。The accident raises a number of questions about the safety of the system.事故使人们意识到系统安全的许多问题。Before long, they realized that they couldn't agree about anything.很快他们就意识到他们相互之间不可能就任何事达成一致意见。He realized that he had committed/made an awful/embarrassing gaffe when he mispronounced her name.念错她名字时,他意识到自己犯了一个极难看/尴尬的错误。I realized that he had been playing a stupid game with me.意识到他一直在和我玩一个愚蠢的把戏。She quickly realized she was wrong.她立刻意识到自己错了。He had realized that Britain could not have peace unless she returned at least some of her former conquests.意识到除非英国至少归还一部分以前的占领地,否则国无宁日。The loneliness of the man was slowly being borne in upon me.我慢慢意识到这个男人的孤独。He was painfully aware of the emptiness of their life together.他痛苦地意识到他们在一起的日子非常空虚。As she uttered these words she realized they sounded snide and insinuating.她说了这些话后,便意识到它们听上去好像含挖苦和影射意味。I was scared stiff when I realized what I'd done.当我意识到自己做了什么时,我吓坏了。




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