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例句 She has worked hard to establish her bona fides with the company. 她努力工作以在公司树立起诚信的形象The company needs to create a new image for itself.公司需要为自己打造一个全新的形象Roberts's stage presence was grave and august.罗伯茨在舞台上的形象庄重而威严。The school has carefully fostered its progressive image.这所学校用心地树立起进步的形象She had a picture of him in her mind - tall, blond and handsome.她脑海里有一幅他的形象—高高的个子、金发、相貌英俊。The outburst was inconsistent with the image he has cultivated.这样大发脾气与他所树立的个人形象不相称。A crime wave is tarnishing the image of the Riviera.犯罪率激增正在损害里维埃拉地区的形象A new hairstyle will improve your appearance, but you can't expect miracles.新发型会使你的形象有所改观,但你可别指望会出现奇迹。One of the main reasons that she looks so good is that she has her own personal stylist.她看上去那么漂亮的一个主要原因是她有自己的形象设计师。The macho cop of Hollywood movies has become a cliché.好莱坞影片中的硬汉警察形象已经很老套了。Outside investment has helped Sheridan to shake off its image as a depressed industrial town.外来投资帮助谢里登摆脱了萧条工业城镇的形象Her image is engraved on my heart.她的形象铭刻在我心中。It's a romantic, aspirational image we're selling.我们宣传的是一种浪漫且有雄心的形象Vegetarianism has shed its cranky image.素食主义已经摆脱了其古怪的形象She is trying to create a racier image for herself.她试图为自己塑造一个更为妩媚的形象Helen was ill fitted to fulfil her daughter's ideal of a gentle mother-figure.海伦与她女儿理想中的温柔母亲形象相去甚远。The European Parliament badly needs a president who can burnish its image.欧洲议会急需一位能够对其形象加以改善的新议长。She is now seeking to soften her image for voters.目前她正着力使自己在选民中的形象变得温和。Philip paced the floor, a typically nervous expectant father.菲利普在地板上踱来踱去,一副典型的神经紧张的准爸爸形象The image was distorted and sentimentalized by the press.形象被报刊歪曲,带上了浪漫色彩。How can we improve our image?我们要如何来改进我们的形象呢? He was left trying to restore his tattered image/pride.他独自一人努力修复自己那千疮百孔的形象/备受打击的自尊心。These negative images are continually being reinforced by the media.媒体反复强化这些负面形象The image is inscribed in my memory. 这一形象铭刻在我的记忆中。Victoria stood out as a dazzling non-conformist.维多利亚以令人惊叹的打破陈规者的形象而引人注目。The city is trying to shed its rough image.这个城市正试图摆脱其治安混乱的形象The current feminine stereotype is flexible enough to let a girl behave boyishly if she wants to.现在女性的固定形象相当灵活多变,只要女孩愿意,她可以表现得像个假小子。Johnny has changed his image to fit the times.约翰尼已经改变了他的形象以迎合时代潮流。The politician has launched a charm offensive in an attempt to clean up his image.这位政治家发起了魅力攻势,以修复他受损的形象There is a large discrepancy between the ideal image of motherhood and the reality.理想的母亲形象与现实之间有很大的差异。So car makers are faced with the ticklish problem of how to project products at new buyers.因此,汽车制造商面临着怎样向新顾客树立产品形象的大难题。The country has rehabilitated its image since the war.战后,这个国家已恢复自身形象Time is often personified as an old man.时间经常被拟人化地表现为老人形象He's taken great pains to improve his image.他煞费苦心地改善自己的形象He was concerned that the article had shown him in a bad light.他担心那 部影片丑化了他的形象The book paints an image of the human being as alone in a crowded world.这本书生动地刻画了拥挤的世界中孤单的人类的形象Robertson tried to dredge up an image of her in his mind.罗伯逊想要在心里回忆起她的形象Treating disabled people like children only reinforces negative images of disability.像对待儿童那样对待残疾人只会强化残疾人在人们心目中的负面形象The company wants to change its image as a producer of low-cost, low-quality clothes.该公司想要改变自己的低成本、低品质服装制造商的形象The industry had a poor image.这个行业形象很差。




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