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词汇 幽默
例句 The movie uses humour to make its points.这部电影通过幽默来表达观点。Everyone likes the gentle humor of his stories of family life.每个人都喜欢他家庭生活故事中的这种小幽默He writes with a simplicity that is coupled with humour.他写作的风格于质朴中见幽默He is a humorist, a phrasemaker and a paradoxer.他是位幽默大师,善于创造警句,发表似非而是的论点。She tells the story of that night with self-deprecating humour.她以幽默自嘲的口吻讲述那一夜的故事。He was quite humorous, and I liked that about him.他很幽默,我喜欢他这一点。The humour and throwaway lines ensure that the piece never loses its pace.幽默和即兴的台词确保了这出戏自始至终的流畅。Shakespeare has accustomed us to a mixture of humour and tragedy in the same play.莎士比亚让我们习见于在同一部戏中幽默与悲哀交织杂陈。This is only cheap jocosity, not real humour.这只是不值钱的打趣,并非真正的幽默The author's wry humor is a good counterbalance to the book's serious subject matter.作者嘲讽式的幽默对这本书严肃的主题是一个很好的调节。His sharpest trademark is his humour.他的最鲜明的特征是谈吐幽默The humor in the movie is quintessentially British.这部电影中的幽默是典型的英式幽默His books are noted for their wry humor.他的书以讽刺性幽默闻名。There's a no-nonsense earthiness and humour in her face.她总是一副干练、直率和幽默的表情。He needs to leaven his speeches with more humor.他需要用更多的幽默来使自己的演讲变得风趣。His humorous toast gingered up the party.幽默的祝酒辞使宴会的气氛活跃起来了。His modesty and sense of humor are his best qualities.谦虚和幽默是他最优秀的品德。The movie relies on sexual innuendo for its humor.这部电影靠性暗示获取幽默效果。She has found an outlet for her talents in the writing of a clever and humorous novel.她在创作一部构思巧妙、语言幽默的小说时找到了施展自己天赋的途径。They love her practical attitude to life, her zest and wit.他们喜欢她务实的人生态度、她的热情和幽默The decor of the bedroom revealed touches of boyish whimsy.卧室的装饰透露出些许男孩般的小幽默He's an overgrown boy with infantile humour to match.他是一个长不大的男孩,带着幼稚的幽默Some people don't catch his deadpan humor, that makes it even funnier.有些人不能了解他那种无表情的幽默,因此更有趣。At work he was always very serious, but in his private life, he was actually very funny and relaxed.他工作时总是非常严肃,但在私底下,他其实非常幽默并且很随和。I find his humor very childish.我发现他的幽默很幼稚。It was a brilliant speech - clear, precise and humorous.这次演说很精彩,它清楚、简洁又幽默The discerning reader will appreciate the subtleties of Boyd's humour.有眼光的读者会欣赏博伊德幽默的微妙之处。He's known for his coruscating wit.他以幽默睿智而闻名。Do you like his brand of humour?你喜欢他那种幽默吗?Fulton has retained his dry humour.富尔顿保持着他含而不露的幽默Humor is one of the hallmarks of her style.幽默是她的标志性风格之一。He uses humour / humor to lighten the tone of the novel.他用幽默使小说的基调变得轻松。His humor pushes the limits of bad taste.幽默过了头,变得庸俗了。Much of the humour of the book was unfortunately lost in translation.可惜的是这本书的许多幽默之处在翻译中丢失了。The essays could do with a flash of wit or humor.这些散文需要一些出其不意的风趣或幽默His humorous remarks added a savour to our conversation.幽默的话语给谈话增添了风趣。Touches of humor lightened the lecture.几分幽默使演讲变得生动了。Her reports were often laced with witty humor.她的报告常带着几分风趣幽默The man who lost his shoes failed to see the humour of the situation.那个丢了鞋子的男人并未领悟这一情景的幽默之处。Many consider the humour of Rabelais too broad.许多人认为拉伯雷的幽默过于粗俗下流。




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