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词汇 rumors
例句 Don't blacken my name by spreading rumors.不要散播流言,破坏我的名誉。There were rumors that his wife had cuckolded him.有传言说他妻子给他戴了绿帽子。She told him off for spreading rumors about her.她因为他散布谣言而把他训了一顿。That hatchet man released rumors of a sex scandal to the press.那个撰文者把桃色丑闻泄露给新闻界。There are rumors abroad that the company is in trouble.公司遭遇麻烦的流言传得沸沸扬扬。She tried to tamp down the rumors.她努力想平息谣言。A statement was made to squelch the rumors.一份制止谣言的声明发表了。There are rumors that the football team and its coach have parted company.有谣言说这支橄榄球队和它的教练解约了。Washington is abuzz with rumors of a scandal.华盛顿被一桩丑闻的传言搞得闹哄哄的。The dollar has fallen in value amid rumors of weakness in the US economy.在美国经济疲软的传言声中,美元贬值了。She accused him of starting/spreading rumors about her.她指责他制造/散布有关她的谣言。The rumours / rumors of his resignation are entirely without foundation.关于他辞职的谣言毫无根据。Is there any truth to the rumors?.那些谣言有什么事实依据吗?Mr Senator, will you now confirm on the record that none of these rumors are true?参议员先生,你现在可以公开证实这些传闻都不是真的吗?He came out of hiding to answer the rumors.他现身对种种谣传做出回应。There were rumors that he would resign as Speaker after 1982.谣传他将在一九八二年后辞去议长的职务。The article then listed a series of nudge-nudge, wink-wink rumors that have appeared in newspapers over the last two years.文章接下来列举了过去两年间报纸上出现过的一连串性丑闻传言。The general affirmed rumors of an attack.将军证实了袭击的传闻。She was spreading scandalous rumors about him.她正四处散布诽谤他的谣言。His professed reason for resigning was to spend time with his family, but we heard rumors that he was caught stealing.他自称辞职的原因是为了陪伴家人,但我们听到了他因行窃被抓的传言。The capital city was calm despite rumors of a possible terrorist attack. 虽然传言首都可能遭受恐怖袭击,但整个城市平静如常。There are rumors of widespread corruption in the city government.有传闻称市政府普遍存在腐败现象。Ever since his sudden resignation, rumors have been flying.自从他突然辞职后,谣言就满天飞。None of those rumors are true. She's been the victim of character assassination.那些谣言都不是真的。她受到了诽谤。He heatedly denied the rumors.他愤怒地否认了谣言。She made an official statement to dispel any rumors about her retirement.她发表了正式声明,以消除人们对她退休的种种传言。Hollywood soon became rife with rumors.好莱坞很快就流言四起。You can't stop going with an old friend on account of rumors.你不能因为谣言就和一个老朋友断绝来往。You can't trust the rumors.不要相信谣言。There were rumors that the father and daughter had had an incestuous relationship.有传闻说那对父女有乱伦关系。We've heard rumors that the senator is on the take.我们听到一些传闻说那个参议员贪赃枉法。There are rumors going around that I'm running for President, but they're not true.有种种谣言说我要竞选总统,但这不是真的。The administration did everything possible to scotch the rumors.政府竭尽所能阻止谣言传播。I can say with confidence that such rumors were totally groundless.我可以肯定地说这样的谣言完全没有根据。He never lets rumors color his opinion of anyone.他从不让谣言影响他对别人的看法。The gossip magazine is filled with rumors and scandal.花边杂志充斥着谣言和绯闻。The couple quashed rumors that they were engaged.这对情侣平息了他们已订婚的谣言。She wanted to put a stop to the rumors.她想制止谣言。There were many rumors that she was on steroids.有许多关于她服用促蛋白合成类固醇的传言。In recent months there have been rumors of at least two attempted coups.最近几个月以来有传闻说至少发生了两次未遂的政变。




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