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词汇 rumour
例句 There's a strange rumour going around at the moment about Peter.现在有一些关于彼得的奇怪传闻。They were quick to disavow the rumour.他们迅速否认与那些谣传有任何牵连。It was only a vicious rumour.这只是恶毒的谣言。The Washington rumour mill suggests that the president secured his narrow majority only by promising all sorts of concessions.华盛顿的谣言工厂暗示总统是在承诺作出种种让步后才获得微弱多数票的。There's a nasty sort of rumour going around about it.关于这件事正有一则恶意的谣言在流传。The Washington rumour mill suggests the money changed hands illegally.华盛顿的传言暗示那笔钱已经非法易手。We sent a reporter to investigate the rumour.我们派了一名记者前去调查这个传闻。Do you know the source of this rumour / rumor?你知道这个传闻是从哪儿来的吗?He conceded that second-hand accounts are leading to rumour and counter-rumour.他承认道听途说会引发谣言和辟谣。I don't know whether the rumour was based on fact or not.我不清楚这传言是否有事实根据。A rumour is current that school will close tomorrow.谣传学校明天不上课。I just don't think it's right to bring a good man down by rumour and insinuation.我只是认为通过散播谣言与影射中伤的方式毁掉一个好人是不道德的。The rumour was traced back to a journalist.那谣言追究到一名新闻记者身上。It's just a rumour.这只是谣言。I don't think he's going to resign. It's only a rumour.我想他不会辞职,那只是谣言罢了。The inspiration of this rumour was traced to a source near the governor.经过追查,这起谣言的根子是在州长左右亲信的身上。The rumour is believed to have been set afoot by him.据认为,这谣言是他率先传播的。The rumour is now so widespread, it's difficult to be certain of its origin.谣言现在已传得人尽皆知,很难弄清楚是从哪里传出来的。There is no truth in the rumour.这传言没有一点依据。His name has come up in the rumour mill as a possible director for the project.有谣传说他可能出任这个项目的主管。There was a rumour that anyone not attending the demonstration would not be allowed to sit his final examinations.传言说谁不参与示威游行就别想参加期末考试。The rumour gradually died a death.谣言慢慢平息了。There's a rumour going round (the village) that they're having an affair.(村里)有传言说他们之间关系暧昧。Among the other employees, rumour has it that he was fired from his last job.员工中传言说,他上一份工作是被炒了鱿鱼的。A rumour has surfaced that the company is about to go out of business.有传言说这家公司要停业了。There is no truth in the rumour that she is about to resign.她要辞职的传闻不实。A rumour was going around that I was having an affair with my boss.谣言四起,说我和老板有染。They discovered that, unfortunately, the rumour was only too true.他们十分遗憾地发现传闻居然属实。The rumour quickly swept the town.谣言迅速传遍了整个镇子。There is no truth in that rumour.那谣传毫无事实根据。There's a rumour abroad that he will be forced to resign.到处传说他将被迫辞职。GM maintains a long-standing policy of not commenting on market speculation and rumour.通用汽车公司一贯的政策是,对市场的投机行为和谣传不作评论。It was the kind of rumour that it is impossible to refute.这是那种让人根本没法批驳的谣言。The Hollywood rumour mill has gone wild over claims that the celebrities are holidaying together.好莱坞的谣言工厂疯传明星们在集体度假。There's a rumour going around that she's leaving her job.她要离职的谣言四处流传。The rumour is without foundation in fact.这谣传毫无事实根据。The rumour soon gained currency.谣言很快传开了。The truth finally came out after months of rumour and gossip.几个月以来谣言和传闻一直不断,但最后终于真相大白了。A malicious rumour went round that Philip had something to do with the murder.流传着一个恶毒的谣言,说菲利普和这桩凶杀案有牵连。He was just another victim of the rumour mill.他只是谣言工厂的又一个牺牲品。




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