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What do you think you are doing, rummaging through my drawers?你翻遍了我的抽屉,你想干什么 ?Looks like someone's been rummaging around in my desk.好像有人翻过我的书桌。Someone's been rummaging round in my office.有人在我的办公室里乱翻过。He spent a feverish hour rummaging through the files.他忙乱了一小时在案卷里东翻西找。She was rummaging in her handbag for her keys.她正在手提包里翻找钥匙。I found Michelle rummaging among the papers in my drawer.我发现米歇尔在我抽屉的文件中翻找东西。I heard you rummaging around/about in the refrigerator.我听到你在冰箱里翻找东西。What warrant had I for rummaging through her past?我有什么理由调查她的经历?She was rummaging through the letters, scattering them about the table in her heedless haste.她在信件中翻找,匆忙冒失之下将它们扔得满桌都是。She began rummaging among the books on her desk.她开始在桌子上的一堆书中乱翻起来。 |