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词汇 平坦
例句 The country is even, with no high hills.那国家地势平坦,没有高山。Our guide led us to where a flat rock juts out from the side of the cliff.导游把我们带到一个地方,那里有一块平坦的岩石从悬崖边伸出去。Notice the flatness and the rich, red earth.注意看这平坦的地势和肥沃的红土。The land is flat, and the views are awesomely extensive.这里地势平坦,一望无际,景色令人叹为观止。We chose a large level grassy pitch for our caravan.我们选了一大片平坦的草地停放我们的旅行拖车。An ice rink needs to be completely flat.溜冰场地必须十分平坦My home state of Illinois is flat as a pancake.我的家乡伊利诺伊州地势极为平坦The truck bowled along on the smooth road.卡车快而平稳地在平坦的公路上行驶。The land is flat and marshy before rising to a spine of low hills.这一带地形平坦而多沼泽,再往远去地势隆起,形成矮山陵地。The horse walked at a leisurely pace through the flat Fenland countryside.那匹马迈着悠闲的脚步走在芬兰区平坦的乡野上。Our path in life will not always be smooth.人生道路不会总是平坦的。I recall Rosie waxing lyrical about the flatness of his stomach.我想起了罗西说起他平坦的腹部时眉飞色舞的样子。After driving for so long on the gravel I was glad to get on an even stretch of road.在砾石路上驾驶了那么长时间之后,我很高兴来到了一段平坦的路上。The flat sands stretch out for miles.平坦的沙地绵延数英里。We sat down on a big flat rock.我们在一块平坦的大岩石上坐下。The ocean of flat empty land stretched before us.我们眼前是一望无际的平坦空地。Much of the countryside in that region is very flat.那一地区的许多乡村都地势平坦The road ran even over the fields.大路在原野上平坦地伸展开去。That road is smooth.那是一条平坦的路。She stood looking out over the flat expanse of fields.她站在那里遥望开阔而平坦的田野。The flatness of the roads made the rest of their trip more comfortable.道路的平坦使他们剩下的路程舒服多了。The tower was visible across leagues of flat marshland.隔着大片平坦的沼泽地看得见那座塔楼。The automobile spun over the smooth expressway.汽车在平坦的高速公路上飞驰。You can make your stomach look flatter instantly by improving your posture.通过改正坐立姿势,腹部马上就会看起来更平坦一些。The highway stretched out flat and straight ahead.公路平坦而笔直地向前延伸。The road levels out as you get close to the village.走近村庄时道路趋于平坦They built their house on bare/level/flat ground.他们把房子建在一块空旷/平坦的场地上。His path through life was never easy.他的人生之路从未平坦过。The meltwater puddled the flat sea ice.融化的冰水在平坦冰冻的海面上形成许许多多的水坑。To the north lie the flat and fertile farmlands of the Solway plain.北边是索尔韦平原平坦而肥沃的农田。We chose a large, level site for our tent.我们选了一大片平坦的地方搭帐篷。Small bodies of water pockmark the flat face of the area.那地区平坦的地面上坑坑洼洼地布满了小水潭。The road ahead was flat and smooth.前面的路平坦光滑。Our car bowledalong on the smooth country road.我们的汽车快而稳地行驶在乡间平坦的公路上。The flat monotonous plains stretch away. A single tree becomes an event.单调平坦的旷野一望无际。孤零零的一棵树就成了引人瞩目之物。There should be no new development on flat, rich, farmland.平坦肥沃的农田上不应该再建新的住宅区。The land in that area is as flat as a pancake.那个地区地势平坦如砥。The land flattened out as we neared the coast.我们接近海岸时,地势平坦了。The river slows on the flat bottom.河水在平坦的河床上减慢了流速。Smooth, plain surfaces are particularly attractive to graffiti sprayers.光滑、平坦的墙面尤其能吸引喷绘涂鸦者。




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