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词汇 cheat
例句 The man socked the cheat in the nose.那男子用拳头狠揍骗子的鼻子。Students may be tempted to cheat in order to get into top schools.为了能进入一流学校,学生们会忍不住想作弊。It's not cricket to cheat at cards.打牌时作弊是不应该的。You can cheat by adding a little flour.你可以加点面粉以假乱真。He's a cheat and a gambler; hardly an ideal mate.他是个骗子兼赌徒,不可能是理想的伴侣。I think he may be trying to cheat us.我认为他可能在试图欺骗我们。It's against my principles to cheat. 欺骗有悖于我做人的原则。The government is going after people who cheat on their taxes.政府正在查处偷税漏税者。He'd do anything to cover his ass, including lie, cheat, and murder.为了保护自己他会不择手段,包括撒谎、欺骗,乃至杀人。There might be a temptation to cheat if students sit too close together.如果学生们坐得太近可能会产生作弊的念头。Did you ever feel tempted to cheat?你是否动过心想要作弊?I know it sounds unbelievable, but I never wanted to cheat.我知道听上去难以置信,但我从不想撒谎。Trouble broke out in the match when one of the players called a member of the other team a cheat.比赛中,一名队员叫对方一名队员骗子,纠纷就此爆发。Even if I had the time, I'd never cheat and I'm sure he wouldn't either.即便有机会,我也绝不会不忠而且我肯定他也不会。I know it sounds unbelievable but I never wanted to cheat.我知道听上去难以置信,但我从不想撒谎。A person of character would not cheat.品德高尚的人是不会欺诈的。His financial activity turned out to be a shameful cheat.他的财务活动原来是见不得人的欺骗勾当。She set the gramophone on to cheat her loneliness.她开了唱机,以解寂寞。It is temptingly easy to cheat on taxes.人们禁不住就想骗税。The fact remains that she tried to cheat in the test.事实是她企图在考试中作弊。Watch Frank – he'll cheat if he thinks he can get away with it.看着弗兰克 — 他逮到机会就会作弊。The baron was exposed as a liar and a cheat.这个工商业巨头说谎和欺骗的面目被揭穿了。You can use cocoa powder to make the cake rather than chocolate - it's a bit of a cheat, but nobody notices the difference.你可以用可可粉而不是巧克力做蛋糕——这有点骗人,可是没人会注意到其中的差别。He's at it again, trying to cheat the customers.他又那样,想欺骗顾客。It is base to cheat in an examination.考试作弊是可耻的。The magazine claims that almost half of Britain's women cheat on their partners.该杂志称几乎有一半的英国妇女对自己的伴侣不忠。He was publicly exposed as a liar and a cheat.他的说谎者和骗子的面目被公诸于众。The two men were involved in an elaborate con to cheat investors out of their money.这两个人涉及一宗精心策划的诈骗投资者金钱的案子。He's a dirty cheat, and I'm going to see that he gets what's coming to him.他是个卑鄙的骗子,我倒要看看他的下场。Cohen claimed that criminals posing as salesmen cheat Americans out of billions of dollars each year.科恩称,冒充销售员的罪犯每年从美国人手中骗走了数十亿美元。The new law ups the ante on people who cheat on their taxes.新的法律加大了对骗税人的惩罚力度。He's a liar and a cheat. 他是个谎话精、大骗子。I think he might be trying to cheat us.我认为他可能在试图骗我们。Disciplinary action will be taken against students who cheat.对作弊的学生将予以惩戒。The student connived with her friend to cheat on the examination.那个学生同她的朋友暗地里商量考试作弊。We don't look kindly on people who cheat us.我们不能容忍欺骗我们的人。A husband should never cheat on his wife. Conversely, a wife should never have an extra-marital affair.作为丈夫的不应该劈腿。反过来说,作为妻子的也不应该有婚外情。If you think it's okay to cheat in an exam, you're sadly mistaken.如果你认为考试作弊是可以的话,你就完全错了。They thought they could cheat me, but I fixed them good.他们以为能骗过我,没想到我好好地教训了他们。She thumbed through pictorials to cheat time.她翻阅画报,借以消磨时间。




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