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词汇 导演
例句 A writer is suing director Steven Spielberg for allegedly stealing his film idea.一名作家正控告导演史蒂文·斯皮尔伯格涉嫌剽窃了他的电影创意。The director cast an unknown in the lead role.这名导演选了一个无名之辈担任主演。From the first moment he got on the set, he wanted to be a director too.自从进入摄影棚的第一刻起,他就希望自己也能成为一名导演Alf Sjoberg offered her a large part in the play he was directing.阿尔夫·肖博格让她在其导演的戏中扮演重要角色。The director decided to recast the movie with unknowns.导演决定将这部电影中的演员换成新人。The director took a calculated risk in giving the film's main role to an unknown actor.导演甘愿冒险让一位不知名的演员担任影片的主角。After the final performance the director threw a party for the cast.最后一场演出过后,导演为全体演员举办了一场聚会。At our annual ceremony we had a whole constellation of movie stars and directors.在我们的年度庆典上,影星导演济济一堂。As a director, he was ahead of his time. His movies are now regarded as classics, but they were unpopular when he made them.作为一名导演,他的思想过于超前。他的那些电影在今天都被视为经典之作,但是在他创作的当年却并不受欢迎。The director flashes back to that fateful night in the jungle and we see what really happened.导演重现了丛林里那个灾难性的夜晚,让我们看到了事情的真相。She became quite a notable director in the thirties and forties.她在三四十年代成了一位名导演She would have her audition in front of the director.她将在导演面前试演。The director always goes over budget on his films. 这位导演拍电影总是超出预算。He directs with flair and sensitivity.他的导演风格富有魅力和敏感性。She set out as an actress with the help of a director.在一位导演的帮助下她开始当演员。During the film's production, the director wanted to shoot a riot scene but the filming was blocked.在影片摄制期间,导演想拍摄一个暴乱场面,但是被禁止了。The director wanted Olivia de Havilland, then under contract to Warner Brothers.导演想要当时签约于华纳兄弟娱乐公司旗下的奥利维娅·德哈维兰出演。The ordeal cured him of any ambitions to direct again.那次痛苦的经历使得他放弃了任何再当导演的想法。She had a long and prolific career as a director.她从事导演职业时间长而且多产。Peter Mumford's lighting and David Freeman's direction make a crucial contribution to the success of the staging.彼得·芒福德的灯光和戴维·弗里曼的导演对演出的成功功不可没。The director condescended to take advice from the stagehand.导演放下架子接受舞台工作人员的意见。The director cut the scene from the final version of the film.导演删剪了电影最终版本中的这个镜头。The director tried several different camera placements for the scene.这位导演尝试了几种不同的摄像机取景位置。The director wants a waif-like, teenage girl with long, dark hair for the role.导演想要一个留着乌黑的长发、面黄肌瘦的十来岁女孩扮演这个角色。I'd like to thank the director, the choreographer and the other members of the company for being so supportive.我想对导演、编舞及剧团其他成员的大力支持表示感谢。During his awards speech, the director gave a shout-out to his production crew.在获奖感言中,导演当众向他的制作团队表示感谢。The movie's director is a newcomer to the Hollywood scene.这部影片的导演是好莱坞圈子里的新人。All the credit must go to the play's talented director.这部剧得到的所有赞扬都得归功于其才华横溢的导演Her rise to stardom owed much to the casting couch.她成为明星很大程度上归功于她与导演的性交易。He prefers to work behind the scenes as a director.他更愿意作为导演在幕后工作。This is the director's first mainstream Hollywood film.这是该导演在好莱坞的首部主流影片。You can take part in a live online chat with the movie's director this afternoon.今天下午你们可以参与同该片导演的网上直播对话。This is the first film she has directed.这是她导演的首部电影。The director wants to reinterpret the old play for a modern audience.导演想为现代的观众重新诠释这部古老的戏剧。He's no slouch as a director.作为导演,他十分出色。The new director has provided the missing ingredient that was needed for the show's success.这位新导演为演出的成功贡献了不可或缺的力量。The director preferred her to act the old lady.导演认为她还是演那个老太太好。His style of directing has set a new trend in moviemaking. 他的导演风格引领了电影制作的新潮流。We have an exclusive interview with the director of the movie.我们有对该片导演的独家采访。It's the director's job to make the magic happen.导演的职责就是创造奇迹。




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