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词汇 change from
例句 It makes a change from our normal routine.这不同于以往的例行公事。In autumn the leaves change from green to brown.秋天,树叶由翠绿变为褐黄。In the union office, the mood gradually changed from resignation to rage.在工会办公室,人们的情绪逐步由无奈变成愤怒。We saw his expression change from angry/anger to sad/sadness.我们看到他的神色由怒转悲。The offer of talks with Moscow marks a significant change from the previous western position.提议与莫斯科举行会谈标志着西方立场的重大转变。Caracas changed from a small town into a busy city.加拉加斯由一个小镇变成了一个繁忙的城市。Colesville has changed from a sleepy little town to a bustling city.科尔斯维尔从一座冷清的小镇发展成为繁华的都市。The pitch of the engine suddenly changed from a low to a high squeal.发动机的声音突然由低沉变得又尖又高。She dug out some change from her purse.她从手提包里翻出一些零钱。In fall the leaves change from green to brown.秋天,树叶由绿变成褐色。I had to change from a train to a steamboat for part of the journey.有一部分路程我得由火车换乘轮船。The symptoms of the disease change from day to day.这种疾病的症状每天都会发生变化。We've changed from traditional ways of working to an automated system.我们已经从传统的工作方式转变为自动化操作了。Their vacation provided a welcome change from their workaday life.假期给他们平淡的生活带来了欣喜的变化。John changed from a friendly and cheerful young boy into a confused adolescent.约翰从一个友好、乐观的小男孩变成了迷茫的少年。The play suddenly changes from farce to tragedy.这出戏突然从闹剧转变成悲剧。She changed from an aimless, pregnant teenager into a purposeful young woman.她从一个毫无目标而且怀孕的青少年成长为有抱负的年轻女子。The mood changed from hour to hour.心情每时每刻都在变化。He was changed from KP to guard duty.他已由炊事值勤员调为警卫员。The manual work made a welcome change from his previous job as a telephone operator.相对于他先前电话接线员的工作而言,干体力活儿是个可喜的变化。His opinions seem to change from day to day. 他的观点似乎每天都在变。The expression on his face changed from sympathy to surprise.他脸上的表情从同情变为惊讶。The motives influencing a particular individual may change from time to time.影响特定个体的动机可能会随时改变。He changed from voting against to abstaining.他从投反对票改为弃权。The situation changes from hour to hour.形势每个小时都在变化。The change from long to short hair is symbolic of the woman's need for change in her whole life.一个女人把长发剪短就表示她想要改变生活。The look on my cousin's face changed from its usual cocky leer to one of complete bewilderment.我表哥脸上的表情,从他一贯的目空一切的睨视,转为一脸的迷惑。He wanted to change from Physics to Chemistry.他想从学物理转学化学。When I went back, the countryside had changed from farmland into housing estates and factory sites.我回来时,郊外地区已由农村变为住宅区和厂房了。The labour movement has been assailed by accusations of sexism and demands for change from feminists.劳工运动遭到女权主义者猛烈抨击,被指性别歧视,并被要求作出改善。In his later years, he changed from a slight annoyance into an eagerly-awaited visitor.在晚年,他从一个有点儿惹别人讨厌的角色变成被人热切等候光临的嘉宾。What is needed is a change from the inside, a real change in outlook and attitude.现在需要的是内心深处的变化,在看法与态度上的真正改变。The menu changes from week to week.菜单每周都有变化。She inherited a large/hefty/nice chunk of change from her aunt.她从姑姑那儿继承了一大笔钱。Don't chop and change from one style to another. It confuses the reader.写作风格不要变来变去,会把读者搞糊涂的。The situation changes from day to day, so it is very difficult to see what the outcome will be.情况天天都在变,所以要预见结果是很难的。The music suddenly changed from a smooth melody to a staccato rhythm.音乐突然由流畅的旋律变为断音的节奏。A grownup man can't change from short to tall in height.一个成年人不能在身高上由矮变高。I told him to get lost and his tone quickly changed from obsequiousness to outright anger.我让他滚开,他的语气马上从谄媚变成了勃然大怒。The labour movement has been assailed by accusations of sexism and demands for change from feminists.劳工运动遭到女权主义者的猛烈抨击,指责其存在性别歧视,并要求作出改善。




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