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词汇 宣称
例句 The government contends that he is fundamentalist.政府宣称其信奉原教旨主义。He rightly contends that it is not true.他满有道理地宣称说,这是不确实的。They claim to be faithful members of the church.他们宣称自己是教会的忠诚信徒。The Animal Liberation Front has claimed responsibility for releasing the monkeys from the laboratory.动物解放阵线宣称是他们将那些猴子从实验室放走的。Their stated aim was to free women from domestic slavery.他们宣称的目标是把女性从家庭奴役下解放出来。She claims to have a cast-iron alibi.宣称自己有不在犯罪现场的铁证。Authorities say they have pinpointed the location of the sunken ship.当局宣称已确定了沉船的位置。Radical factions say the talks are getting nowhere and they want to withdraw.激进派宣称谈判没有进展,他们打算退出。He alleged that the elections had been fraudulent.宣称这场选举有造假成分。The company threw down the gauntlet and told the union that this offer for a contract was final.公司发起了挑战,对行会宣称这个合同报价为最终报价。She claims that she was fired for political reasons.宣称自己是因为政治斗争而被辞退的。To be fair, she never claimed she'd be able to do it.说句公道话,她从未宣称自己能做得到。The government claims that the economy is improving, but this survey suggests otherwise.政府宣称经济状况在好转,但这份调查显示情况并非如此。They continue to proclaim their innocence.他们继续宣称自己无辜Researchers have claimed great success with this approach.研究人员宣称这个方法取得了巨大的成功。The company won the contract by essentially saying it would do the job for free.那家公司基本上是靠宣称免费进行那项工作才赢得了合同。The charged man was judged guilty despite his protest of not being at fault.尽管那个被指控的男子宣称自己无辜,他还是被判有罪。Marx taught that capitalist economies are eventually doomed to collapse.马克思宣称资本主义经济必然会走向崩溃。The doctor pronounced that he was recovering nicely.医生宣称他正在顺利康复。He claimed he had never gone to bed with her.宣称从未与她发生过性关系。He is routinely described as the greatest scientist since Einstein.人们一再宣称他是爱因斯坦之后最伟大的科学家。The government is now claiming that inflation is on a downward trajectory.政府现在宣称通货膨胀呈现下降趋势。He claims the new regulations will discourage investment.宣称新规定将不利于投资。He alleged that they had hired an assassin to dispose of him.宣称他们已雇了刺客来除掉他。He professed a strong distaste for everything related to money.宣称强烈厌恶与金钱有关的一切。Nobody could confirm his alibi that he was at the movies.没人能证实他所宣称的他当时在看电影,不在犯罪现场。He says that he's a uniter, not a divider.宣称自己是主张团结的,而不是鼓动分裂的。He claims that the government is improperly prying into his affairs.宣称政府在不正当地窥探他的私事。She declared that she didn't want to see him again.宣称再也不愿见他了。The campaign says that hunters are the moral equivalent of murderers.这一运动宣称,在道德层面上捕猎者等同于杀人犯。She claimed she had been intimidated into voting for acquittal.宣称遭到恐吓而被迫投票赞成无罪判决。No one has yet claimed responsibility for planting the bomb.目前还没有人宣称为放置炸弹负责。This report shows how she twisted the truth to claim successes where none, in fact, existed.这份报告表明她歪曲事实,她所宣称的那些成就其实根本不存在。Critics claim that these reforms will gut the law.批评家们宣称,这些改革将有损法律权威。They denied a report that Egypt had agreed to a summit, subject to certain conditions.他们否认了宣称埃及已同意在特定条件下参加峰会的报道。She is an avowed vegetarian.宣称是个素食主义者。She claims she's not afraid to die.宣称自己不怕死。Many religions teach that man is predestined to suffer.许多宗教都宣称人类注定要受苦。Speaking outside Ten Downing Street, she declared that she would fight on.她在英国首相官邸外发表讲话时宣称她将继续斗争下去。No organization has yet claimed responsibility for the bomb attack.还没有任何组织宣称对炸弹袭击事件负责。




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