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词汇 安静下来
例句 They were being too noisy, so he told them to cool it.他们当时太吵了,所以他叫他们安静下来They'll hush if you tell them a story.如果你给他们讲个故事,他们就会安静下来It might, at last, silence the small but noisy intellectual clique.它可能最终会使这个聒噪的知识分子小圈子安静下来Everything had gone quiet.一切都安静下来The teacher told the students to pipe down. 老师叫学生们安静下来The librarian shushed the noisy children.图书馆管理员用嘘声让吵闹的孩子们安静下来Tranquilliser drugs were used to calm the deportees.使用了镇静剂来让被放逐者们安静下来He waited until complete quiet settled on the assembly.他一直等到参会者完全安静下来They are sternly told by their mother to hush.他们的母亲严厉呵斥他们,让他们安静下来The house lights dimmed and silence fell.观众席的灯变暗了,大家都安静下来The teacher tried to silence the pupils.老师设法让学生们安静下来The house was quiet again, after the noise of their departure.在经历了他们出发时的喧哗之后,房子又安静下来She called for order/called the meeting to order.她要求会场安静下来He tried to calm the screaming baby by rocking it back and forth.他来回摇晃着嚎哭的婴儿,想让他安静下来She settled the baby down at last.她终于使婴儿安静下来The children snapped to attention when the teacher clapped his hands.老师一拍手,孩子们立刻安静下来了。As the lights went down, the audience grew quiet.灯熄灭后,观众们开始安静下来The children started to quiet down after dinner.晚饭后孩子们开始安静下来She hushed her baby.她让宝宝安静下来Will you please pipe down, you two? I'm trying to read!你们俩能安静下来吗?我正看书呢!She held up her hand to silence the children.她抬手示意孩子们安静下来If the kids don't settle down soon, I'll go up and read them the riot act.如果孩子不马上安静下来,我就会上去严厉地警告他们。I wish to goodness he'd be quiet.我祈求上帝希望他能安静下来The class sobered down as the teacher came into the room.老师走进教室后,学生们安静下来了。Come on kids! Simmer down and get on with your work!快点儿,孩子们!安静下来开始做功课!The dog was barking and growling at me until its owner called it off.那条狗对着我狂吠,直到主人喊它才安静下来They suddenly became silent, listening as if what he said was of the greatest importance.他们突然安静下来仔细听,仿佛他所说的是极重要的事。Try gradually to quiet them down as bedtime approaches.临近就寝的时候,要尽量让他们渐渐安静下来She played music to soothe the baby.她播放音乐哄宝宝安静下来She told the children to hush.她叫孩子们安静下来Everybody pipe down. There's no need to shout.大家都请安静下来,没有必要嚷嚷。Watch how the baby quietens when he hears the music.看看婴儿听到音乐时是怎么安静下来的。I really must settle down to some serious work.我真的需要安静下来做些正经事了。The crowd was hushed.人群安静下来The audience lapsed into silence when the speech began.演说开始后听众安静下来He told the crowd to quiet down.他让人群安静下来Midge clapped her hands, calling them back to order.米奇拍手示意他们安静下来Calm down, for goodness sake. It's nothing to get excited about!看在上帝的份上,安静下来吧。没什么可激动的!She was gently hushing the baby.她在轻轻地哄着婴儿让他安静下来They settled down on the sofa to watch the film.他们安静下来坐到沙发上看电影。




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