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词汇 give birth
例句 To give birth to triplets is perhaps harder than to win a lotto.要生三胞胎恐怕比中乐透还难。Crack-cocaine-addicted women give birth to brain-damaged babies.对强效可卡因上瘾的女性会生出脑部受损的婴儿。More and more women give birth in hospitals.越来越多的妇女在医院分娩。In need of someone to inseminate them, so that they can give birth to a child.他们急需有个人来输精,好让他们能生一个孩子。It is hard to envisage any circumstance in which it should be necessary for a mother to give birth in prison.很难想象监狱里会具备一个母亲生产所需的任何环境条件。She's due to give birth at any moment.她随时可能分娩。Did she give birth in a hospital or at home?她是在医院还是在家里生的孩子?The females congregate every spring to give birth to their young.这些雌性动物每到春天便聚集在一起产崽。Women who consume large amounts of caffeine are more likely to give birth to underweight babies.摄入大量咖啡因的女性更有可能产下体重不足的婴儿。




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