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词汇 give in
例句 She was determined not to give in to despair.她决意不对绝望屈服。Marie's stubborn, and she doesn't give in easily.玛丽很固执,不会轻易认输。Don't give in to the temptation to snack between meals.不要屈服于两餐之间想吃点心的诱惑。Officials say they won't give in to the workers' demands.官员们表示他们不会向工人的要求让步。The rope has quite a bit of give in it.这绳子相当有弹性。Only a coward gives in to his fate.只有懦夫才向命运屈服。The government cannot give in to the demands of an illegal organization.政府不能向一个非法组织的要求让步。All right. I give in. What did you do with the ship?行啦,我认输。你如何处理的那艘船?Please give in your examination papers now.现在请交上试卷。The President said he would never give in to demands by terrorists.总统说,他决不屈服于恐怖分子的要求。Both sides refuse to give in this dispute.在这场争论中双方都拒不让步。The rebels were eventually forced to give in.叛军最后被迫投降。When pressed, he tends to give in.一受到逼迫他就倾向于妥协。Don't give in yet. You have more grit than that.别放弃,你能坚持下去。Miles struggled not to give in to his feelings of anger and hopelessness.迈尔斯拼命控制愤怒和失望之情。We mustn't give in to threats.我们决不能屈服于威胁。The strike has been going on for weeks, and neither side seems willing to give in.罢工已经持续数周,双方似乎都不愿让步。This government will not give in to terrorism.这个政府不会屈服于恐怖主义。He decided to hang tough rather than give in.他决定寸步不让决不屈服。There is no give in his moral views.他的道德观念决不通融。It looks as if the policy will be a success, providing that the government perseveres and does not give in to its critics.看来如果政府锲而不舍,不向批评家屈服,这项政策就有可能成功。The government refused to give in to their demands.政府对他们的要求拒不妥协。She shows no/little inclination to give in to their demands.对于他们的要求,她一点让步的意思都没有。I won't give in in any instance.在任何情况下我都不会妥协。I didn't think they'd give in so easily.我没想到他们会这么轻易就让步。He refused to give in to their demands. 他不肯屈从他们的要求。I hate the way you always give in to him.我讨厌你总是向他让步。If I give in to him, I will be annoyed with myself.要是屈服于他,我会生自己的气。The government has stated that it will not give in to terrorist threats.政府已宣称决不会被恐怖分子的威胁吓倒。Mr Lally remains defiant, insisting that he will not give in.拉利先生仍然不服,坚持不让步。She wouldn't give in until she received a full apology.她得不到正式道歉是不会善罢罢休的。Don't give in to the temptation to argue back.不要一时冲动就回嘴。Shoes get slightly larger after wearing because of the give in the leather.由于皮革有伸展性,穿过的皮鞋要比原来稍大一些。The government refused to give in to the hijackers' threats.政府拒绝屈服于劫机者的威胁。If you feel the urge for a cigarette, try not to give in to it.如果烟瘾上来,要尽量克制。You can't give in to children's demands all the time.你不能总是对孩子们的要求作出让步。She decided to give in her notice and go freelance.她决定递交辞呈做自由职业者。They had nothing to give in return.他们没有什么东西可以当作回报。No matter how they slander us, we will never give in.不管他们怎样诽谤我们,我们决不让步。For shoes to be comfortable, there needs to be plenty of give in the leather.舒服的鞋的皮革一定要有足够的伸展性。




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