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词汇 婴孩
例句 Hasn't the baby gone off yet?婴孩还没入睡吗? He bravely went into the burning house to rescue the baby.他勇敢地冲进烈火熊熊的屋子去救那个婴孩She changed the baby often.她不时地给婴孩换尿布。The baby is continually screaming.婴孩老是尖声喊叫。The mother called the baby Sam after his grandfather.母亲以婴孩的祖父的名字山姆来给他命名。Her baby teeth are starting to fall out.婴孩的乳牙开始掉落了。The baby wrapped its pudgy little hand around my finger.婴孩用胖乎乎的小手握住了我的手指。The priest blessed the baby I held in my arms.牧师祈祷上帝赐福于我怀里的婴孩A mother is appealing for the safe return of her baby son.一位母亲在恳求把她那还是婴孩的儿子安全送还。The conversation drifted away from babies.话题不知不觉离开了婴孩She is bathing for the baby.她在替婴孩洗澡。She left her baby in the care of an old woman.她把婴孩托给一位老妈妈照管。The babies babbled as they played.婴孩们一边玩一边咿咿呀呀地学说话。A baby has been at the receiving end of a plastic bullet.一个婴孩中了一颗塑料子弹。The baby is teething and has been irritable for several days.那个婴孩在出牙齿,这几天一直烦躁不安。She fell apart completely, bawling like a baby.她肝肠寸断,婴孩似地大声号哭着。The baby needs a lot of care.婴孩需要精心照料。A baby's life revolves mainly around its mother.婴孩的生活主要以其母亲为中心。She stayed home to take care of the baby.她留在家照管婴孩The baby's taken her first few shaky steps.这个婴孩已经摇摇晃晃的会走几步路了。The baby laughed when I gave her a tickle.我呵婴孩痒,婴孩笑了。Many babies develop a mild inflammation in the eyes a few days after birth.许多婴孩出生几天以后眼睛会有轻微的发炎。Milk is the natural food for babies.牛奶是婴孩的天然食品。We taped the baby's first words.我们用录音带把婴孩最早学会的几句话录下来。The mother is dressing her baby.母亲正为婴孩穿衣。The baby usually sleeps for an hour or so after breakfast.婴孩通常在早餐后要睡一小时左右。They had to take the baby into account when they wanted to go out.每当要外出时,他们总得考虑如何将婴孩安顿好。The rejoicings over the birth of the baby lasted well into the night.婴孩出生的欢宴一直持续到深夜。The baby drowsed his head back in the crook of her arm.婴孩的头一动不动地在她的臂弯里偎着。It was entirely in character for Rachel to put her baby first.把自己的婴孩放在第一位,这完全符合雷切尔的性格。The mother stared at her dead baby in tearless grief.母亲带着欲哭无泪的深切悲哀凝视着她那死去的婴孩Rocking settled the baby.轻轻摇动使婴孩安静了下来。I couldn't make out the baby's jargon.我听不懂那婴孩说的难懂的话。Each basket is designed to perform a specific function, from carrying corn to holding babies.每个篮子都为特别用途设计,从装谷物到放婴孩都有。He was a healthy-looking baby, with podgy cheeks.他是个看上去很壮实的婴孩,脸颊胖嘟嘟的。It was agreed that the baby would be put up for adoption.大家同意把这婴孩送人收养。You'll have to account to me if anything happens to the baby.要是婴孩出了什么事,你得对我讲清楚才行。Rosie's a lovely baby.罗茜是个可爱的婴孩We'll have to put the baby to nurse.我们只能请人照看婴孩Baby's skin is as soft as velvet.婴孩的皮肤像天鹅绒一样的柔软。




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