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词汇 婚外情
例句 My husband was still seeing her and he was having an affair with her.我的丈夫仍在和她来往,而且两人还搞婚外情They had been conducting a casual affair for years.他们多年来一直保持着随便的婚外情The clamour to draw a veil over the minister's extra-marital activities reeks of hypocrisy.想要掩饰部长婚外情的喧嚣叫嚷之声让人倍感虚伪。She is going to divorce him on the grounds of adultery.她以丈夫搞婚外情为由要求离婚。Mahler was also known for his passionate involvements outside marriage.马勒也因为其轰轰烈烈的婚外情而出名。Her husband has admitted having an extramarital affair.她丈夫承认有婚外情The affair is something I have chalked up to experience and hope to have learned a lesson from.这次婚外情给我上了一课,我希望自己从中吸取了教训。An affair could wreck your marriage.婚外情会彻底毁掉你的婚姻。His wife had many affairs, even, adding insult to injury, with his best friend.他的太太有很多的婚外情,更糟的是跟他最好的朋友。He carried on a passionate affair with Mrs Gilbert.他与吉尔伯特太太有过一段热烈的婚外情They crucified her in the newspapers for having an affair.他们在报纸上痛批她搞婚外情It didn't take long before she'd wormed out of him confessions of his other infidelity.不久,在她的盘问之下,他承认还有其他婚外情He's had a number of liaisons.他已发生了好几段婚外情Her husband has admitted having an extra-marital affair.她丈夫承认有婚外情Affairs do have a devastating effect on marriages.婚外情确实会对婚姻造成毁灭性的影响。He'd had a steamy affair with an office colleague.他曾和办公室里的一个同事有过一段热辣的婚外情He had an extramarital affair with his secretary.他与秘书发生了婚外情She was stunned by the lies and deception her husband had used to hide his affairs.她丈夫为掩饰婚外情而说的谎话以及欺骗手段使她感到震惊。They finally confessed their secret love affair.他们最后承认了他们之间的秘密婚外情Their marriage fell apart when she found out about her husband's affair.她发现丈夫有婚外情后,他们的婚姻破裂了。He has admitted to a number of marital infidelities.他承认有过几次婚外情He told her their affair would have to stop, because Jack Smith was blackmailing him.他告诉她说他们的婚外情必须结束了,因为杰克·史密斯正在敲诈他。In the end Martin told his wife about his affair - he just couldn't live with it on his conscience.最后马丁把自己的婚外情告诉了妻子一他在良心上受不了。They have started legal proceedings against two publications which spoke of an affair.他们已经对两本涉及一桩婚外情的出版物提起了法律诉讼。A husband should never cheat on his wife. Conversely, a wife should never have an extra-marital affair.作为丈夫的不应该劈腿。反过来说,作为妻子的也不应该有婚外情The affair could tarnish the reputation of the prime minister.这段婚外情可能会玷污首相的名声。




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