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例句 Mr Arbor squawked about the unfairness of the deal.阿伯先生大声抱怨说这笔交易不公平。The deal was sewn up by lunchtime.这笔交易在午餐前谈妥了。We've really struck oil with this new deal.这笔新交易真是让我们发了大财。The funds came from a big philanthropy.这笔款子是由一个大型慈善性机构捐赠的。The deal sounds a bit iffy to me.在我听来这笔交易有点儿问题。They are hoping to tie up the deal before their rivals muscle in.他们希望不等竞争对手介入便能谈妥这笔买卖。If the deal is successful, I'll be made for life.如果这笔生意成功,我这一辈子就不用愁了。Some of this money was funneled to secret CIA programs.这笔钱一部分拨给了中央情报局的机密项目。Divide the money into tenths.这笔钱分成十份。If they didn't move fast, Johnson could sew this deal up within days.如果他们还不赶快行动的话,约翰逊几天之内就会搞定这笔交易。The executor of the document must be present at the close of the deal.这笔交易签署时,文件的执行者必须在场。The money maintained us for a month.这笔钱我们过了一个月。The estate returned to a distant branch of the family.这笔产业归还给了这个家族的一支远亲。Someday I'll get you back for this!总有一天我会和你算这笔账!Dad wanted to lend me the money, so I wouldn't have to take it out of my savings.爸爸要把这笔钱借给我,这样我就不用从我的储蓄中拿出来了。They were dismayed at the cost of the repairs.这笔修理费让他们感到忧虑。After the class trip was canceled, the money was reallocated to cover the cost of the dance.班级旅行被取消后,这笔钱被转用于支付舞会的费用。He felt that he would be betraying his principles if he accepted the money.他觉得如果收下这笔钱就违背了自己的原则。The loan is secured against your home.这笔贷款以你的房子作为抵押。The loan made it possible for him to continue his education.这笔贷款使他能够继续学业。The deal will be formally announced on Tuesday.这笔交易将于周二正式宣布。I'm afraid I don't have the authority to approve the sale.我恐怕没有权力批准这笔生意。The deal fell through when investors backed off.由于投资者反悔,这笔交易告吹了。The cash comes from an unnamed source.这笔现金来源不详。The success of the project depends critically on the continuation of this funding.该项目的成功很大程度上依赖于这笔资金的继续提供。The funds are distributed among various philanthropies.这笔款子是分给几个慈善团体的。If this deal comes off, we'll be quids in.如果这笔交易谈成,我们会赚一大笔。We are hoping to complete the deal in the first half of the year.我们希望在上半年完成这笔交易。He had made a few inquiries and learnt that she inherited the money from her father.他作了一些侦查,发现这笔钱是她从父亲那里继承来的。She couldn't take the money. It was a matter of principle.她不能拿这笔钱。 这是原则问题。Surely no one would be foolish enough to lend him the money?肯定没有人会傻到把这笔钱借给他。They can't squeeze much more money out of the business.这笔生意里他们榨不出更多的钱来了。None of the banks changed their posture on the deal as a result of the inquiry.没有一家银行因为调查而改变对这笔交易的立场。My imagination was running riot, thinking of all the ways that I could spend the money.我的思维象脱缰的野马,放任地想着可以花掉这笔钱的种种方法。We were happy to know that the money was being used for a good purpose. 我们高兴地得知,这笔钱用在了有意义的地方。The sum will hereby be charged to your account.据此,这笔金额将记入您的账户。The consignment of the property to the new owners will take place tomorrow.这笔财产将在明天移交给新主人。Mitchell phoned from Chicago to say that he was close to clinching the deal.米切尔从芝加哥打电话来,说他快要谈成这笔生意了。She made use of the money to pay for college.她用这笔钱上了大学。The money was ring-fenced for education programs.这笔资金专用于教育计划。




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