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词汇 这附近
例句 We don't want the likes of you around here.我们不想让你这样的人在这附近What do people do for thrills around here?这附近的人们靠什么取乐?Any trouble hereabouts is swiftly dealt with by the police.警方能迅速处理这附近发生的任何麻烦。The roads/rivers join each other near here.几条道路/河流在这附近汇合。There's a zoo round here? That's dandy for my kids.这附近有个动物园?我的孩子们一定会很高兴的。Is there a shop that sells sports equipment near here?这附近有卖体育用品的商店吗?That car dealership has the widest selection around.这附近,那家汽车经销商的汽车种类最全。I don't know how he can stand to show his face around here after what happened.发生那样的事之后,我不知道他如何好意思还在这附近公开露面。He had various odd cleaning jobs around the place.他在这附近干过各种零碎的保洁工作。The neighborhood has become a hotbed of crime. 这附近已经成了犯罪活动的温床。Our little boy has no playmates in this neighborhood.我们的小男孩在这附近没有玩伴。A man seen hanging around the area prior to the shooting could have been involved.在枪杀案发生之前,有人目睹一位男子在这附近游荡,该男子可能与此案有关。The neighborhood is full of dilapidated houses with scruffy backyards.这附近都是些破烂不堪的房子,后院更是又脏又乱。He's top dog around here.他是这附近一带的首领。The country around here is very scenic.这附近的乡村风景非常优美。There's nothing fun to do around here.这附近没什么好玩的。There is nothing to do around here.这附近没什么事情可做。It's got to be around here somewhere.它肯定在这附近的什么地方。We don't see a lot of snow hereabouts.我们在这附近看不到多少雪。He lives somewhere around here.他就住在这附近He is street smart and is not afraid of this neighborhood.他有都市人的精明劲儿,不怕在这附近混。This café's quite a find - I had no idea there was anywhere like it around here.这家咖啡馆真不错——我完全不知道这附近还有这么一个地方。There are some good restaurants in this neighborhood.这附近有几家好餐馆。The river enters the sea near here.河水在这附近流入大海。Excuse me, but is there a post office anywhere around here?对不起,请问这附近有邮局吗?All the kids around here take the bus to school.这附近所有的孩子都乘公共汽车上学。The roads around here are pretty bad. 这附近的路况相当差。The accident happened somewhere near here.事故就发生在这附近His house must be around here somewhere.他的家肯定就在这附近某个地方。There must be a pub hereabouts.这附近肯定有酒吧。There are some nice little pubs in the villages round here.这附近的村子里有些不错的小酒吧。There's a restaurant somewhere around here that's supposed to be good.这附近某个地方有个据说不错的饭店。Watch for Ryan. He's here somewhere.要留意瑞安,他就在这附近某个地方。




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