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例句 The bread has a crackly crust.这面包外面有一层酥皮。The wall was built of large blocks of dressed stone.这面墙是用大块的修琢石砌成的。This bread is going stale.这面包不太新鲜了。The flour was fortified with vitamins.这面粉因加入各种维他命而提高了营养价值。This bread's lovely and fresh.这面包新鲜极了。Nobody can see behind the wall.没人能看到这面墙的后面。The bread is fresh from oven, and the vegetable fresh from garden.这面包刚出炉,这蔬菜刚从院子采摘下来。The flag represents our country.这面旗帜象征着我们的国家。The pane of glass had a small dimple in it.这面玻璃上有一个小坑。The little mirror was decorated with shells and beads.这面小镜子有贝壳和珠子作装饰。The Wardaman people used to gather below the rock face each year to perform ceremonies and dances.瓦达曼族人过去每年都聚集在这面岩壁下举行仪式,载歌载舞。Use the lined side of the paper.使用带横线的这面纸。The flour was ground from barley.这面粉用大麦碾成。The mirror had tarnished quite badly.这面镜子已经没什么光泽了。The bread smells delicious.这面包闻起来香气扑鼻。Paint the wall in a contrasting colour.这面墙刷成对比鲜明的颜色。The mirror was a bargain buy in a Harrod's sale.这面镜子是在哈罗德百货公司大减价时买到的特价商品。This bread is so good, I could make a meal of it.这面包真好吃,我可以一顿饭只吃它。This bread has a soapy taste.这面包有肥皂味。Defenders of the Union Flag say it already embodies multiculturalism, being three national flags in one.拥护英国国旗的人说这面旗由三个国家的国旗合并而成,业已彰显多元文化。This bread's stale - have we got another loaf?这面包变味了,我们还有一条吗?Feel this material. It's so nice and soft.摸摸这面料,很舒服、很柔软。The flag is a symbol of our country.这面旗帜是我们国家的象征。The flag is a symbol of national identity.这面旗是民族性的象征。The force of the explosion ripped a hole in the wall.爆炸的威力把这面墙炸开了一个洞。The wall is shifting a couple of inches every year.这面墙正在以每年几英寸的速度发生移位。The carpenter made sure that the wall was plumb.木匠确认了一下这面墙是垂直的。




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