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词汇 这群人
例句 He was the best in the group by a long way.他是这群人中最好的,比其他人好很多。The group is becoming an influential minority in the community.这群人正成为该社区有影响力的少数群体。The crowd continued to argue heatedly about the best way to tackle the problem.这群人继续激烈地争论解决问题的最佳办法。Tempers rose high and the company nearly came to blows.这群人火气上来差一点就要打起来了。The crowd was eager for more.这群人渴望得到更多。The crowd wilted in the heat.由于天热,这群人又乏又累。The group has been living in a remote corner of the Cambodian jungle.这群人一直居住在柬埔寨丛林的一处偏僻角落。I found a very mixed group of individuals some of whom I could relate to and others with whom I had very little in common.我发现这群人各不相同,有些人还合得来,我能够理解,其他那些则和我几乎没有共同之处。Mary is the brains of the group.玛丽是这群人中最聪明的一个。The crowds had been soaked and were now nicely drying out.这群人都浑身湿透,现在谢天谢地快晾干了。The group always met in private.这群人总是私下密会。The crowd managed to force its way in by sheer weight of numbers.这群人依靠人多势众强行挤了进来。She shared her beauty secrets with the group.她和这群人分享了自己的美容秘诀。She made a cowardly decision to go along with the group.她做了个胆小的决定,要跟着这群人一起走。The crowd waited in expectation of her arrival.这群人满怀期望地等待她的到来。The crowd waited expectantly for her arrival.这群人满怀期望地等待她的到来。They were so lofty a bunch.他们这群人是如此优秀。The police told the people in the crowd to move along.警方命令这群人往前移动。The group was herded into a bus.这群人被赶上了一辆公共汽车。Those two have tricked the lot of us.那两个人把我们这群人都耍了。The crowd was in an ugly mood.这群人的脾气很坏。Aside from a few isolated incidents, the crowd was well-behaved.除了几起个别事件外,这群人还是很守规矩的。The crowd sang out insults.这群人大声叫骂。The group walked across country.这群人步行穿过田野。The party had been to the grouse moors that morning.这群人那天上午去了松鸡猎场。This group is blindly loyal to the President.这群人盲目效忠总统。The group meets on a regular basis, usually weekly or biweekly.这群人定期会面,通常是每周或每两周一次。The night before he was scheduled to be executed, the group held a candlelight vigil for him outside the prison. 在他行刑的前一天晚上,这群人在监狱外彻夜为他做烛光祈祷。There I was writhing in agony on the floor and you were all pissing yourselves laughing!当时我痛苦得在地板上打滚,而你们这群人却笑得前仰后合!The group politely ignored her remark.这群人出于礼貌对她的话不加理会。He read the agreed statement to the group and then began to unpack it for them.他把已达成一致的声明读给这群人听,然后开始向他们解释其意义。




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