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词汇 复杂
例句 This is one of the most difficult and complex tasks we face.这是我们面临的最困难、最复杂的任务之一。Chopin aroused complicated emotions in her.肖邦的乐曲激起了她内心的复杂情感。The economics of this agreement are complicated.这份协议的经济意义是复杂的。Bad weather continues to complicate efforts to deal with oil spilling from the tanker.恶劣天气使得油轮溢油的处理工作更为复杂Thanatology is a complicated science involving many different disciplines.死亡学是一种复杂的科学,牵涉许多不同的学科。It took years to untangle the legal complexities of the case.理清该案牵涉到的复杂法律问题花了很多年的时间。The seminar focuses on the complex relationship between government, the military, and the media.研讨会的重点在于政府、军队和媒体间的复杂关系。The complexities of the functions of the human body boggle the imagination.人体功能的复杂令人难以想象。We work with clients from diverse backgrounds.我们与背景复杂多样的客户打交道。I'm having mixed feelings about this class.我对这个班有着复杂的情感。My tired brain couldn't cope with such a complex problem.我疲劳的大脑无法应付如此复杂的问题。A complex system of muscles is brought into play for each body movement.每次的身体运动都需要复杂的肌肉系统活动。The software grows more sophisticated over time.这个软件变得越来越复杂了。An automobile engine is a complex mechanism.汽车引擎是种复杂的机械装置。A surgical team began a complicated operation on the patient's head.一个外科小组开始在病人头部施行复杂的手术。His affairs were found to be dreadfully involved when he died.他一死,人们发现他的身后事混乱复杂,极难处理。Rose explained the intricacies of the job.罗斯解释了这项工作的繁琐复杂之处。James's books are full of long paragraphs and convoluted sentences, which many people do not find appealing.詹姆斯的书中全是大段文字和复杂的句子,许多人都不喜欢。The book uses simple words and pictures to explain complex processes.该书使用简单的词语和图画来解释复杂的过程。I'm looking for a hobby that doesn't require a lot of fancy equipment.我正在寻找一种不需要很多复杂设备的爱好。The screenwriter was right to focus on just one aspect of a long and complicated novel.编剧把焦点集中在一部复杂的长篇小说的一个方面,这样做是对的。It is a simple melody with complex harmonies.这是一首和声复杂的简单旋律。Douglas was a complex man, thoughtful, gallant, and generous.道格拉斯是个复杂的男人,体贴、殷勤又大方。The President, trying to be cute, said his liberal arts education had not really prepared him for such complicated issues as this.总统故作精明地说道,以自己所接受的文科教育并不足以应付如此复杂的问题。Can we leave all this with you? It's just too complicated for us to understand.我们把这全交给你行吗?太复杂了,我们理解不了。He described it as an extraordinarily tangled and complicated tale.他说那是一个非常曲折复杂的故事。The directions were absurdly complicated.这些说明复杂得可笑。Mike had worked out an elaborate system for categorizing his collection of CDs.迈克设计出一个复杂的系统来为自己收藏的光盘分类。He has learnt to deal properly with all kinds of complicated situations.他已学会恰当地应付各种复杂局面。The whole matter is further complicated by the fact that Amanda and Jo refuse to speak to each other.阿曼达和乔彼此拒绝说话,使得整个事件更加复杂了。Her answer was pointlessly complicated.她的回答完全不必这么复杂Technological advances are now such that computers can calculate infinitely complicated problems.现在,技术的进步是如此之大,计算机可以计算无限复杂的问题。The Jigsaw Company makes puzzles of fiendish ingenuity.拼图公司制造了精巧复杂的拼图。Further complications arose when they published an interview with his family.他们发表了对他家人的采访文章后,事情变得更加复杂These figures are a simplification. The real situation is much more complicated than this.这些数据是简化过的,实际情况要比这复杂得多。Clearly, the situation is more complicated than we first thought.很明显,局势比我们当初想的要复杂It makes sense, but only after some complicated mental gymnastics.只有经过一番复杂的智力训练后才能理解它。The situation is complicated by the fact that I've got to work late on Friday.我周五得加班,这使情况更复杂了。This only served to complicate the situation further.这只是使得局面更加复杂The problem complicated beyond reason.问题复杂到荒唐的程度。




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