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词汇 discoveries
例句 His discoveries led, in due course, to new forms of treatment.他的发现适时地推动了新的治疗方式的产生。The prize is to honour him for his great discoveries.奖品意在表彰他的重大发现。These discoveries have given a new direction to their research.这些发现给他们的研究指出了新的方向。New scientific discoveries are being made all the time.科学新发现一直层出不穷。His discoveries have given researchers the impetus to try something new.他的发现让研究人员有了创新的动力。This is one of the most important archaeological discoveries of the century.这是本世纪最重大的考古发现之一。Amazing discoveries have been made by anthropologists excavating in the Rift Valley.人类学家在发掘东非大裂谷时取得了惊人的发现。New research has yielded up some surprising discoveries.新的研究揭示了一些令人惊奇的发现。These discoveries were made at a surprisingly early date.这些发现早得出奇。His discoveries have given impetus to further research.他的发现推动了进一步的研究。These new discoveries will help to fill a gap in our knowledge of how the human body ages.这些新发现将有助于填补我们关于人体衰老这方面知识的空白。These new discoveries will allow us to see far into the past.这些新发现将能使我们看到遥远的过去。These discoveries have opened up new horizons in the field of cancer research.这些发现开创了癌症研究的新天地。Britain consistently fails to exploit the scientific discoveries made in its universities.英国向来不会利用自己国家大学里的科学发现。They were cited by the Nobel Assembly for discoveries in organ and cell transplantation in the treatment of human disease.他们因在使用器官和细胞移植治疗人类疾病方面的发现而受到诺贝尔大会的嘉奖。One of the study's ironic discoveries is that TV trials educate the public about the justice system better than actual trials.这个调查的可笑发现之一,就是电视里的审讯比实际的审讯更能教育公众认识司法制度。None of the more recent views invalidates Hahnemann's original discoveries or teachings.近来更多的观点都未能推翻哈内曼最早的发现和学说。These discoveries vindicate their theory.这些发现证明他们的理论是正确的。Her early research laid the foundation for many important medical discoveries.她早期的研究为许多重要的医学发现奠定了基础。Simpson's much vaunted discoveries are in fact commonplace in modern sociology.辛普森的那些被大肆称赞的发现在现代社会学中实际上都不足为奇。It was one of the most important discoveries in the history of medicine.这是医学史上最重大的发现之一。They failed to appreciate the true significance of these discoveries.他们未能领会这些发现的真正意义。Galileo's achievements in physical science paved the way for Newton's discoveries.伽利略在自然科学方面的成就为牛顿的发现铺平了道路。Hawking made many discoveries about the nature of stars.霍金对恒星的本质有了许多发现。He achieved/gained/won great renown for his discoveries.他因多项发现而赢得很高的声望。Newton's discoveries revolutionized physics.牛顿的发现使物理学发生了革命性剧变。Largely unknown in his lifetime, Mendel's discoveries earned him posthumous fame.孟德尔的发现在他生前基本无人知晓,死后才为他赢得声誉。These discoveries may throw new light on the origins of the universe.这些发现也许可以使人进一步了解宇宙的起源。I can only hope that they are applying rigour to these ideas and discoveries.但愿他们的这些想法和发现是严谨的。Often there are discoveries which lead nowhere.有些发现往往无果而终。His discoveries set the stage for a revolution in medical research.他的发现为医药研究的革新创造了条件。New archaeological discoveries prove the existence of an ancient civilization in the Indus Valley.新的考古发现证明印度河谷有过古代文明。There were important lessons to be learned from these discoveries.从这些发现中可以获得重要的教训。His discoveries earned him wide acclaim.他的发现为他赢得了广泛赞誉。His discoveries laid the groundwork for further research.他的发现为进一步的研究打下了基础。Important new discoveries in the field of radiology may lead to a breakthrough in the treatment of cancer.放射学领域的重要新发现可能会给癌症治疗带来突破。New scientific discoveries are being made every day.科学上,每天都有新的发现。The depletion of the ozone layer has been one of the most dramatic discoveries about our planet in recent years.臭氧层变薄是近年来关于地球的最惊人的发现之一。Her research led to a number of important discoveries about the disease.她的研究工作对这一疾病有若干重大发现。His theory is no longer tenable in the light of the recent discoveries.根据最新的发现,他的理论已经站不住脚了。




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