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词汇 discovering
例句 How do you actually go about discovering a thing like that?.你到底是怎么发现这种东西的?During her career she was responsible for discovering many now famous musicians.在她的职业生涯中,她曾发掘出许多当今著名的音乐家。Students are discovering the endless amount of information in cyberspace.学生在网络空间里不断发现无穷尽的信息。She disregarded these warnings and determined on discovering how to photograph as anonymously as possible.她不顾警告,决心找到尽可能以匿名方式摄影的办法。Marantz resigned after discovering that dubious business deals were being negotiated by his fellow officials.马兰兹发现他的同事在与别人洽谈可疑的商业交易后就辞职了。Why not spend a week discovering the beauty of Sri Lanka?为何不花上一周的时间弄清楚斯里兰卡到底有多美呢?They reeled from the shock of discovering that their own father was a liar.他们发现自己的父亲竟是个撒谎大王,极为震惊。It is a season of thinking and planning, of discovering what has been achieved.这是一个思考和规划的时期,是发现已有成就的时期。The Curies are best known for discovering radium.居里夫妇最知名之处是发现镭。Scientists are still discovering the far reaches of the human mind.科学家们仍在探索更深层的人类思想。Last year she suffered the double blow of losing her father and discovering that she had cancer.去年她遭受失去父亲和发现自己患上癌症的双重打击。We're just discovering the delights of being retired.我们刚刚开始体会到退休后的种种乐趣。Doctors put her on antibiotics after discovering an infection.医生在发现她被感染后让她开始使用抗生素。We are discovering new ways to propagate plants without seeds.我们正在探索无籽繁殖植物的新方法。Columbus was probably anticipated by the Vikings in discovering America.北欧海盗也许在哥伦布之前就发现了美洲。




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