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词汇 discriminate
例句 They discriminate positively in favour / favor of workers from ethnic minorities.他们对少数族裔的工人特别照顾。It is illegal to discriminate on the grounds/basis of race/sex. 种族/性别歧视是违法的。The company claims it does not discriminate on the basis of sexual preference.公司宣称没有基于性取向的歧视。He could discriminate among the birds by their calls.他能根据叫声辨别出不同的鸟。Employers are not allowed to discriminate on the basis of gender.不允许雇员有性别歧视。We do not discriminate on the basis of race or gender.我们不搞种族和性别歧视。The school is not allowed to discriminate.学校不允许有歧视行为。Laws are needed which do not discriminate against anyone.需要人人平等的法规。It is unjust to discriminate against people of other races.歧视其他种族的人是不公正的。He cannot discriminate between a good idea and a terrible one.他分不清好主意和坏主意。Newborn babies can discriminate between a man's and a woman's voice.新生儿会辨别男人和女人的声音。It was illegal to discriminate on the grounds of colour.基于肤色的歧视是违法的。Why do so many companies think it's OK to discriminate against older people?为何那么多公司认为歧视年纪大的人是没有关系的呢?It is important to teach children to discriminate between right and wrong.教育小孩区分是非很重要。Under federal law, it is illegal to discriminate against minorities and women.联邦法律规定,歧视少数民族和妇女是违法的。He is old enough to discriminate right from wrong.他都这么大了,能区分对错了。I can discriminate the individual voices in the choir.我能从合唱中辨别出每个人的声音。It's illegal to discriminate against people on the basis of (their) sex.性别歧视是违法的。She can discriminate between ripe and unripe fruit by smell alone.她闻一闻就能辨别出水果的生熟。Most school teachers do not consciously discriminate between their students.大多数学校教师都不会有意区别对待自己的学生。It is illegal for employers to discriminate on the grounds of race.雇主对种族的歧视是违法的。The Commission for Racial Equality teaches organizations not to discriminate.种族平等委员会告诫各家机构不要区别对待。Can you discriminate good apples from bad ones by their appearance?你能根据外表辨别好苹果和坏苹果吗? The monkeys were easily able to discriminate between the different objects, according to their visual appearance.猴子能够根据不同物体的外表差别,轻而易举地将它们加以区别。The education minister believed it was possible to positively discriminate in favour of colleges in the regions.教育部长认为,对这些地区的专科学院给予优待是有可能的。The company does not discriminate on grounds of race, age, sex, or religion.这家公司没有种族、年龄、性别或宗教信仰歧视。The Commission for Racial Equality teaches organisations not to discriminate.种族平等委员会告诫各家机构不要心存歧视。The device can discriminate between the cancerous and the normal cells.这台仪器可以辨别癌细胞和正常的细胞。It is difficult to discriminate between the twin brothers.这对孪生兄弟很难辨认。Wings and feathers discriminate birds from other animals.翅膀和羽毛使鸟类区别于其他动物。




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