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词汇 复仇
例句 Her desire for vengeance led her to shoot her daughter's murderer.她强烈的复仇愿望导致她枪杀了杀害她女儿的人。Revenge was a possible motive for the attack.复仇可能是这次袭击的动机。He wanted to avenge his brother's death.他要为弟弟的死复仇The murder is thought to have been a tit-for-tat response by the Mafia to an earlier gangland killing.这宗凶杀案被认为是黑手党对早前的一宗黑帮杀人事件的复仇行为。People should understand how thirsty for revenge they are.人们应该理解他们复仇的愿望是多么强烈。Their actions were motivated in large measure by a desire for revenge.他们的行动在很大程度上是出于复仇的欲望。Many are determined to avenge the slaughter in the World Trade Center and the Pentagon.许多人决心要为发生在世贸中心和五角大楼的大屠杀复仇The movie dealt with the same old jaded themes of revenge and murder.这部影片采用复仇和谋杀这种老一套的陈腐题材。There are few things quite as sweet as revenge.几乎没有比复仇更爽的事情了。Revenge is sweet, so they say.复仇给人带来快意,他们如是说。He wanted revenge for his father's murder.他要为遇害的父亲复仇He became a vigilante to avenge himself.他为了替自己复仇,就成了自己任命的正义使者。She swore that she would have her revenge.她发誓要复仇His desire for revenge was very human. 复仇的欲望是人的本性。His urge for revenge would never infect her.他的强烈复仇渴望永远不会影响到她。Both sides were locked in a cycle of violence and vengeance.双方陷入暴力和复仇的循环之中。Silently she meditated revenge.她默默地计划着复仇Lust and revenge are a heady mixture.欲望和复仇混合在一起容易使人头脑发热。She was seething with anger and filled with revenge fantasies.她怒火中烧,满脑子都是复仇的念头。The book's plot pivots on the main character's need for revenge.这本书的情节根据主人公需要复仇而展开。The lust for revenge is a deeply rooted human emotion.复仇的强烈欲望深植于人类情感之中。She'll stop at nothing to get her revenge.为了复仇,她会不择手段。He swore revenge on the killers.他发誓要向那些杀人者复仇A theme of revenge underlies much of her writing.复仇主题贯穿着她的大部分作品。The desire for revenge can be overpowering.复仇的欲望有时能压倒一切。This was sweet revenge for our defeat earlier in the season.本赛季早些时候我们输给了对手,这次可算是个令人痛快的复仇His mind was filled with hate and the desire for revenge.他的脑子里充满了仇恨和复仇的欲望。On the day after the terrorist attack, the overall mood in the town was one of vengeance.在恐怖主义袭击发生后的第二天,镇上人们普遍的情绪就是要复仇She spent her years in prison plotting her revenge.她坐了多年的牢,在牢中一直谋划复仇It was a case of sweet revenge for Sam.这对山姆而言是一次畅快的复仇Victory/success/revenge is sweet.胜利/成功/复仇让人愉悦。I shall not permit your interference to bungle up my plans for exacting revenge.我不会允许你的干预来搞砸我复仇的计划。This was all Liam needed to fuel his desire for revenge.这就完全能点燃利亚姆复仇的欲望。He was licking his lips at the prospect of revenge.看到了复仇的机会,他跃跃欲试。




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