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词汇 困难重重
例句 The legalisation of cannabis is a political minefield.大麻合法化在政治上困难重重He will have his work cut out to get into the team.他要进入该队困难重重He took positive steps to educate himself in the jail against all odds.尽管困难重重,他还是积极地在监狱中自学。Despite all his troubles, he has somehow held on to his faith in himself.尽管困难重重,他还是坚持相信自己。His mission bristled with difficulties.他的使命困难重重It can be hard to travel in a foreign country if you don't speak the lingo.你要是不会外语,去国外旅行会困难重重The project was bristling with difficulties.这个项目困难重重The police's task is not made any easier when witnesses' statements disagree so fundamentally.目击人的陈述完全相互矛盾,警方的工作依然困难重重The ensuing months have been fraught with difficulties.随后的几个月一直困难重重The muddle-headed make heavy weather of the simplest tasks.头脑糊涂的人会把最简单的工作弄得困难重重The situation was fraught with difficulty.局面困难重重He was committed to an anti-nuclear policy, with all its inconveniences.尽管困难重重,他依然坚定支持反核政策。Some Democrats still have bitter memories of how, against all odds, they came off worst during the inquiry.一些民主党人士至今仍然记得当时困难重重、在调查中惨败的痛苦经历。The project got off to a bumpy start, but it's back on schedule now.项目开始的时候困难重重,但是现在走上了正轨。Every day is an obstacle course at present.现在,每天都困难重重Against all the odds, Frederick was ultimately victorious.尽管困难重重,弗雷德里克还是取得了最后的胜利。The German team were in deep trouble at the beginning of the match but in the end they came through.德国队在比赛开始时困难重重,但最后他们安然渡过了。They realized there would be difficulties in discrediting the evidence.他们意识到要揭穿这个证据困难重重There is a general belief that the arts are in a parlous state.人们普遍认为艺术正处于一种困难重重的状态。Not once did she think of giving up, despite all the problems involved.尽管困难重重,她从未想过要放弃。He had great difficulty in learning English grammar.他学习英文文法困难重重Brazilians look gloomily forward to a New Year that even the president admits will be grey and cheerless.展望新年,巴西人心情沮丧,甚至连总统都承认明年困难重重,不容乐观。The difficulties surrounding the court case are legion.这个庭审案件困难重重It's not going to be an easy task. I can see rocks ahead.这将不是件容易干的工作。我看到前面困难重重He was having a really tough time at work.他当时工作上困难重重Our film industry is on the rocks.我们的电影业困难重重Their marriage has been fraught with difficulties.他们的婚姻困难重重You must not be put out at feeling the difficulties.你绝不可因感到困难重重而心烦意乱。He will try hard to win, although he knows the odds are stacked against him.尽管知道困难重重,他仍将尽力争取获胜。Despite many obstacles, she has pulled herself up by her own bootstraps.尽管困难重重,她还是靠自己的力量获得了成功。We must carry on in spite of our difficulties.虽然困难重重,我们仍然必须坚持。For some reason fate conspired against them and everything they did was problematic.不知为什么,他们时运不济,做什么事都困难重重The construction industry is in for a rough ride this year.建筑业今年困难重重She succeeded in the face of great difficulties.尽管困难重重,她还是成功了。




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