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词汇 囊肿
例句 He had a cyst removed from near his eye.他的眼部附近切除了一个囊肿Bunions are bony protuberances that stick out on either side of the foot.拇趾囊肿是脚侧的骨样突出物。Symptoms associated with an arachnoid cyst can include headaches, nausea, seizures, and visual disturbances.蛛网膜囊肿的症状包括头痛、呕心、癫痫以及视力障碍。We found a cyst and I suctioned off the liquid within.我们发现了一个囊肿,我把其中的液体吸了出来。She had an operation to remove a cyst.她做了囊肿切除手术。The cyst was exerting pressure on her brain.囊肿在压迫她的大脑。In very severe cases, bunions may be surgically removed.在非常严重的情况下,拇趾囊肿可能需要通过外科手术切除掉。He had a minor operation to remove a cyst.他做了一个囊肿切除的小手术。The doctor aspirated fluid from the cyst. = The doctor aspirated the cyst.医生从囊肿里抽吸液体。The cyst was causing swelling and exerting pressure on her brain.那个囊肿正在引起肿胀,压迫着她的大脑。Mesenteric cysts are most frequently located in the small bowel mesentery and mesocolon.肠系膜囊肿最常出现的地方是小肠系膜和结肠系膜。




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