例句 |
A second hand car dealer will always look at the bodywork rather than the engine.二手汽车交易商总是关注车身而非引擎。That car dealer always gives you a square deal.那个车商价格总是很公道。He bought his new car from a car dealer.他从一个车商那儿买了辆新汽车。He worked at the casino as a card dealer.他在一家赌场当发牌员。He entered a hire purchase agreement with a car dealer.他与一家汽车经销商签订了一项分期付款购买汽车的协议。The car dealer offers financing. 汽车经销商提供购车贷款。The car dealer certifies each car before it is sold.汽车经销商保证每辆车在售出前都是合格的。 |