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词汇 succeed
例句 If women want to succeed in business, they have to play men at their own game.如果女人想在业务上取得成功,她们必须用男人的方法和男人周旋。She got the breaks she needed to succeed.她时来运转,成功了。Sometimes you try your hardest and still don't succeed. That's life.有时你尽最大的努力然而还是不成功。这就是生活。She is very single-minded and determined to succeed.她一心一意,志在必胜。We'll succeed in the end if we just stay the course.只要我们坚持不懈,终会胜利。She hammered it into me that I could succeed.她反复对我说我能成功。The plan cannot succeed without public support.没有大众的支持,这项计划无法成功。Jim made a play for head of department, but didn't succeed.吉姆曾竭力谋取部门负责人的职位,但没有成功。In order to succeed in life you have to have an uncrushable belief in yourself.你必须对自己有着不可动摇的信心,才能取得人生的成功。You have to be devious if you're going to succeed in business.要想在生意场上取得成功就必须会耍点手腕。If you want to succeed, you've got to stick to it! 如果你想要成功,就必须坚持下去。Some people will succeed in their efforts to stop smoking.一些人经过努力可以成功戒烟。He may not win, but he should at least be given a sporting chance to succeed.他或许赢不了,但至少应当得到一个公平竞争的机会。He needs to show a change in attitude if he is to succeed.他要成功就必须表现出态度上的转变。She doubted his ability to succeed.她不能肯定他是否有能力取得成功。He went to law and did not succeed in his claim against us.他告上了法庭,但没有告赢我们。He knows all the right people to succeed in this business.他认识所有能帮他做成这桩买卖的人。Young Peryoux left home for Paris, armed with a guitar, and a burning desire to succeed.小佩里欧克斯带着吉他怀着对成功的热望,离开故乡去了巴黎。No company can hope to succeed at everything.没有一家公司可以指望事事成功。I've got the aspiration to succeed.我渴望成功。Elaine has the stamina and the determination to succeed.伊莱恩具有成功所需的毅力和决心。Try which method he pleased, he could not succeed.他不管试哪个方法都不可能成功。You'll have to try harder, you know, if you want to succeed.你要知道,如果你想成功,就得更努力。She was born to succeed.她注定会成功的。If he keeps his eye on the ball, he will surely succeed.如果他机灵小心的话,准会获得成功。British defence policy had to meet three criteria if it was to succeed.英国的国防政策要想奏效,必须满足三个标准。He lacked the confidence to succeed.他缺乏必胜的信心。How can he succeed when he won't work?既然他不肯工作,那他怎么会成功呢? To succeed, the new paper will need to break the stranglehold of the printing unions.要取得成功,新报纸就要冲破印刷业联合会的钳制。Most couples would agree that for a marriage to succeed, both parties have to work at it.大多数夫妻都会认同,婚姻的成功需要双方的努力。The bosses' plans to reorganize the company won't succeed unless they can carry the workforce with them.管理层重组公司的计划不会成功,除非他们能赢得全体员工的支持。The proposal may succeed if a few more people get behind it.如果再多几个人支持的话,这项提案可能会通过。They may still succeed.他们也许还能成功。She was very anxious that her son should succeed.她非常希望她儿子会成功。We became more and more determined to succeed.我们要成功的决心越来越坚定。Try as you may, you will never succeed.不管你怎样努力,你决不会成功。Acting has got to be a tough racket to succeed in.表演是一项很难成功的职业。A business as poorly managed as that one doesn't deserve to succeed.像那样管理不善的企业就不该成功。How did your mother succeed in keeping the peace between these two very different men?你母亲是如何做到让这两个性格迥异的男人相安无事的?She had the ingenuity to succeed where everyone else had failed.她真是心灵手巧,别人办不到的事她却做成了。




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