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词汇 succeeded
例句 He could not have succeeded without the unfailing support of his wife.若没有他妻子始终如一的支持,他是不可能成功的。They finally succeeded after many months of travail.经过数月的艰苦工作他们终于成功了。He succeeded to the dictatorship on his father's death.他在父亲死后继任独裁者。The authorities succeeded despite bitter opposition from teachers.尽管教师们强烈反对,当局还是成功了。The terrorists almost succeeded in blowing up the President's limousine.恐怖分子差一点就炸掉了总统的轿车。The committee succeeded in flushing out several good candidates.委员会成功地找出了几个不错的候选人。The plan succeeded beyond my wildest dreams.计划居然出乎我意料地成功了。She succeeded in persuading the jury to accept her version of the events.她成功地说服了陪审团接受她对事件的看法。She succeeded in her first crack at writing a novel.她第一次尝试写小说就取得了成功。Our plan has succeeded.我们的计划成功了。He had succeeded in turning a minor official in the embassy.他成功策反了大使馆的一名低级别官员。He had thus far succeeded in fending off my conversational sallies.他迄今为止一直不为我说的俏皮话所动。Our team succeeded in stopping their offensive momentum.我们队成功地阻止了他们的进攻势头。The government succeeded in getting the bill through.政府成功地使这项法案获得通过。The government's efforts to stabilize prices have not succeeded.政府稳定物价的措施没有奏效。I finally succeeded in packing her off to bed.我最后总算打发她上床睡觉了。The oil company has just succeeded in closing a deal for the land.石油公司刚刚完成了一笔土地交易。Embarrassment had now been succeeded by fear.现在尴尬已被恐惧所取代。He had succeeded in putting her at her ease, despite her natural shyness.尽管她天性羞怯,他仍然成功地使她放松了下来。The reason why they succeeded is obvious. They worked really hard.他们成功的原因很明显。他们工作的确非常努力。The government succeeded in crushing the military rising.政府成功地镇压了军队起义。I think she succeeded brilliantly in bringing out the lyricism of the piece.我认为她极其成功地表现出了诗歌的抒情风格。He succeeded by means of perseverance.他靠坚韧不拔的毅力获得成功。They succeeded in freeing their friends from prison.他们成功地解救了关在牢里的朋友。Had he succeeded, he would have acquired a monopoly.要是他当时成功了,他就会取得垄断地位。They succeeded by means of perseverance.他们依靠坚忍不拔而获得成功。If the situation had been different, their plan might have succeeded.要是换种情形的话,他们的计划或许就成功了。They succeeded in the experiment on the fifteenth trial.他们在第十五次尝试时获得了成功。In the American continents, Canada and Argentina alone have succeeded.在美洲大陆,只有加拿大和阿根廷获得了成功。She wanted to be the first woman to climb Mount Everest and she almost succeeded.她想成为第一个登上珠穆朗玛峰的女性,而且差一点就做到了。He succeeded in getting the job.他谋得了那份工作。The dry weather was succeeded by a month of rain.干旱天气之后下了一个月雨。He succeeded because of years of hard graft.他的成功来自多年的辛勤努力。The Conservative bloc succeeded in killing the bill by filibuster.保守党集团用阻挠手段成功否决了议案。She succeeded in fulfilling herself as an actress.她作为一位演员充分发挥了自己的才干。Scientists have succeeded in mapping the human genome.科学家已经成功地定位了人类基因组。Scientists claim they have succeeded in finding a cure for cancer.科学家声称他们发现了一种治疗癌症的方法。He hasn't succeeded because he doesn't want it bad enough.他还没有成功,因为他对成功的渴望还不够强烈。They succeeded in silencing the enemy guns.他们成功地打哑了敌人的炮火。I succeeded with an assist from my parents.我在父母的帮助下获得了成功。




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