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词汇 successful
例句 Just look at how successful she's been.看看她有多成功吧。They've only been trained to compete with other men, so a successful woman can make them feel like a real loser.他们只被教过要和其他男人一较高下,所以一个成功的女人会令他们觉得特别失败。Contrary to expectations, the scheme has been brilliantly successful.与预期相反,该方案极为成功。He was regarded as the most successful Chancellor of modern times.他被认为是现代最为成功的财政大臣。The company has been successful throughout its history. 公司自创办以来一直很成功。He was given the job as a reward for running a successful leadership bid.因为成功组织了领导职位竞选活动,他得到了这份工作。Given patience, successful breeding of this species can be achieved.只要有耐心,是能成功培育出这一品种的。Education can be a passport to a successful future.教育是未来成功的保障。The pilot programme of vaccination proved successful.疫苗的试点方案获得了成功。Her successful handling of the crisis has magnified her chances to win reelection.她对危机的成功处理增加了她竞选连任获胜的机会。Their attempts had not been entirely successful.他们的尝试没能完全成功。This has been one of the most successful desserts in my repertoire.这是我会做的甜点中做得最成功的一种。Not many expected him to be so successful.没有多少人预料到他会如此成功。The company was successful in bidding for the exclusive rights to the Nationwide Football League.该公司成功竞得了英格兰足球联赛的独家赞助权。Behind any successful event lay months of preparation.任何成功的活动都需要好几个月的准备。To be a successful businessman you must be enthusiastic and magnetic.要做一个成功的实业家,你必须有热情和吸引力。She seemed destined for a successful career.她似乎注定能够事业成功。She is a famous/successful litigator. 她是位著名的/成功的诉讼律师。These choices are part of what enabled the company to be successful.这些抉择是这家公司能够获得成功的部分原因。The article examined the conditions that are necessary for creating successful spin-outs.这篇文章分析了成功的分拆公司的必需条件。The fact that your application was not successful this time does not preclude the possibility of you applying again next time.这次申请失败并不妨碍你下次再申请。Although she had been quite a successful model, she had never reached the giddy heights of the Paris fashion world.她虽然是一个很成功的模特,但是她从来没有到达巴黎时装界那个高不可攀的顶峰。In order to be successful as a dancer, you need flair and stamina.成为一名成功的舞蹈演员需要天赋和毅力。He led a successful coup against the government of Iraq.他成功地领导了一次反对该国政府的政变。It was a successful attempt at climbing Mount Everest. = It was a successful attempt on Mount Everest.这是一次攀登珠穆朗玛峰的成功尝试。We are laying plans now in order to be successful in the future.我们现在作好打算,为的是将来取得成就。He believes that, historically, Labour has been most successful as the party that helped people get on in life.他相信一直以来工党在帮助人民改善生活方面表现最为出色。Every successful social movement has its defining images.所有成功的社会运动都会有其最典型的图片。He will always be successful when he puts his mind to something, because he puts his heart and soul into it.当他专心想干某件事时,他总是能成功,因为他会全心全意地投入其中。The jury is still out on whether the scheme will be successful.关于这个计划是否会成功,情况还不明朗。Mr Singh was a highly successful salesman.辛格先生是个非常成功的推销员。You minimize risk by investing in a spread of successful companies.投资到若干不同的成功的公司,你就会把风险降到最低。Attacks have been successful because of a reckless indifference to security standards.攻击之所以得逞是因为对安全标准疏忽大意、漠然视之。Only a successful assault on the rebels’ headquarters could have ended the civil war.只有成功袭击叛军司令部才有可能结束内战。A successful job search needs to be as well organised as any other executive task.成功的求职与执行其他任何任务一样,都需要良好的条理性。One or two products didn't do so well, but overall we've had a highly successful year.有一两个产品做得不是很好,但总的来说,我们这一年干得很出色。She runs a successful online business.她经营着一家成功的在线企业。He and a partner set up on their own and built a successful fashion company.他和一位合伙人靠着自己的力量创建了一家成功的时装公司。She was a successful lawyer and had clients beating a path to her door.她是一位非常成功的律师,有一大众客户抢着请她。The only way Steven will ever be successful is if he marries into money.史蒂夫取得成功的唯一途径是娶个有钱的太太。




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