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词汇 successfully
例句 Fighter planes have successfully bombed the enemy's main armoury.战斗机成功炸毁了敌人的主要武器库。Torrence expects to defend her title successfully in the next Olympics.托伦斯希望在下届奥运会上能够卫冕成功。He has successfully straddled the worlds of film, music, and television.他已成功涉足电影界、音乐界和电视界。People who cope successfully with difficult situations usually look ahead and anticipate the circumstances.能成功应付困境的人一般都会向前看,预计未来情况。The stolen paintings have been successfully traced to a London warehouse.失窃的画已成功地在伦敦的一个仓库中找到。In the film, she successfully reprises the role she played in the stage musical.在电影中她成功地再现了她在舞台音乐剧中的角色。I managed to negotiate successfully with the authorities.我设法同当局进行了成功的协商。I'm glad to see he crashed television successfully.我很高兴看到他一鸣惊人地成为电视明星。Several brands have successfully expanded their market presence.好几个品牌成功地扩大了市场份额。Are there some countries that have been able to tackle these problems successfully?.有没有哪些国家已经能成功解决这些问题了?If we are to compete successfully in world markets, we must invest more money in education and training.如果我们要在世界市场的竞争中取得成功,我们必须在教育和培训上投入更多资金。Environmental lobby groups successfully opposed the plan.向议员游说的环保团体成功地抵制了这一计划。Other forms of discourse have successfully been decoupled from politics.其他的话语形式已经成功地与政治分离开来。Students who complete the course successfully will be awarded a diploma.顺利修完这门课程的学生将被授予文凭。Surgeons successfully implanted an artificial hip.外科医生成功地植入了一个人工胯关节。The meeting passed off successfully.会议开得很成功。We can treat this condition successfully with antibiotics.我们可以用抗生素有效地治疗这种病。There was an afterlife. She stood successfully as an MEP.她的后半生过得有声有色,是一名成功的欧洲议会议员。He successfully maintained the financial health of the company.他成功地维持了公司财务的健康运行。The car passed the dangerous section of the bridge successfully.汽车顺利地通过了大桥的那段危险部分。Most drugs can be produced quite successfully without inflicting pain on helpless animals.大多数药物均可以在无需折磨无助的动物的情况下成功研制出来。Once your probation period is successfully completed, you will be offered a contract.一旦你的试用期圆满结束,就可以签合同。Prosthetic replacement has been used successfully when the acetabulum has sustained damage.人工假体置换术已经成功应用于髋臼受损的情况。She successfully prosecuted her boss for sexual harassment.她以性骚扰为理由成功起诉她的老板。She successfully defended herself against an attack from someone larger and stronger.她成功地抵御了比她强壮的人的攻击。They have accomplished their mission successfully.他们成功地完成了任务。The film successfully combines a good story line with a serious political message.这部影片成功地在一个很好的故事情节中掺和进了一个严肃的政治信息。The region began to use quinine successfully as a prophylactic.该地区开始成功地用奎宁作为预防剂。The African people have successfully fought against colonial rule.非洲人成功地反抗殖民统治。Many strikes over the last few years have not ended successfully.过去几年中有多次罢工都未获成功。His job was to achieve the release of the hostages, a task he successfully accomplished.他的职责是力争人质的释放,这一任务他成功地完成了。They experimented successfully on the plants to discover disease-resistant varieties.他们成功地对植物进行了实验,发现了抗病品种。The Dutch successfully transplanted trees to the East Indies.荷兰人成功地把树移种到了东印度群岛。We have successfully bid for the contract.我们竞标成功,得到了这份合同。The doctors have successfully concluded preliminary tests.医生们已经成功地完成了初步的检查。She defended herself successfully in court.她在法庭上成功地为自己作了辩护。The department has successfully integrated new ideas into the traditional course structure.该系已成功地把新理念整合进传统课程体系之中。A rather difficult task had been successfully accomplished.一项相当艰巨的任务已成功完成了。He didn't integrate successfully into the Italian way of life.他未能顺利融入到意大利的生活方式中。The disease has now been successfully eradicated from the world.现在这种疾病在世界上已经彻底消除。




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