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词汇 subway
例句 A man on the subway grabbed her roughly, asking for money.地铁里,有一个男人粗暴地抓住她,向她要钱。I took the subway and got off at the downtown station.我乘地铁并在市中心站下了车。The boys cornered him on a subway platform and began beating him.那群男孩子将他逼进地铁站台,开始打他。The Toronto subway is a jarring, disorienting experience.在多伦多乘坐地铁会让人晕头转向,令人心烦。The jazzman used to play at subway stations before becoming famous.出名以前这位爵士乐家曾经在捷运站演奏。The subway stations are stifling, and reek of urine.地铁站又闷又热,充满着小便的臭味。They will extend the subway from central Buffalo to the smaller towns around the city.他们将把地铁从布法罗的中心城区延伸到周围的小城市。New York does not have the nation's oldest subway system; that distinction belongs to Boston.纽约并没有该国最古老的地铁系统;这一荣誉属于波士顿。He bought some tokens for the subway.他买了一些乘捷运用的辅币。We rode on the subway at rush hour, packed like sardines.我们在交通高峰时间乘坐地铁,拥挤不堪。Every morning and evening the subway is packed with commuters.每天早晨和傍晚地铁里挤满了上下班乘客。She rides the subway home from school.她从学校搭乘地铁回家。He separated himself off from the crowd in the subway.他躲开了地铁里拥挤的人群。He was accosted by three gang members on the subway.在地铁里三个黑帮分子上前跟他搭讪。There is a law against panhandling in the subway.有一条禁止在地铁乞讨的法规。The majority of us feel worried if we walk through a subway.我们大多数人在走地下通道时都有焦虑感。The new subway is being laid.新捷运正在铺设。The subway is the fastest way to get downtown.坐地铁去市中心最快。The majority of us feel worried if we walk through a subway.大多数人在走地下通道时都感到害怕。No one on the subway seemed to mind how crowded it was.地铁上似乎没有人会介意有多拥挤。The crowd jostled him into the subway.人群摩肩接踵把他拥进了地铁。The nearest subway station is not even in the district.最近的地铁站甚至不在这个区。There has been a decline in the use of the subway system over recent years.近年来乘坐地铁的人数下降了。I don't ride the subway late at night.我不在深夜坐地铁。Even with a change of trains, the subway is quicker than a cab at rush hour.高峰时段地铁即使要转车也比出租车快。Take the subway to Montgomery Station and walk from there.乘地铁到蒙哥马利站,然后从那里走过去。I've been on both the New York subway and the Underground in London.纽约和伦敦的地铁我都坐过。Excuse me, where's the nearest subway station?请问,最近的地铁站在哪儿?She took the wrong subway and landed on the other side of town.她坐错地铁,到了城区的另一端。He takes the subway to work.他乘地铁上班。I've never been on the subway.我从来没坐过地铁。Several people have been violently attacked in the subway.一些人在地铁里受到了暴力袭击。We quickly hoofed it down to the subway station.我们快步跑进地铁站。Times Square is the nexus of the New York subway.时代广场是纽约地铁的交会点。You can take the subway and then transfer to a bus.你可先乘捷运然后转乘公车。A strange man flashed her on the subway.地铁上,一名陌生男子突然冲她暴露出性器官。I took/rode the subway to midtown.我乘坐地铁去市中心。People stood hanging on to the overhead straps of the swaying subway car.人们站在摇摇晃晃的地铁车厢里,紧紧地抓着头顶上的拉手。He ran through the pedestrian subway.他跑过地下人行道。Water from the broken water main cascaded into a subway station.破裂的主水管中涌出的水倾泻进了地铁站。




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