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例句 The applications were thoroughly picked over and only the best applicants were given interviews.所有申请书都经过了详尽审核,唯有最优者获得了面试机会。She's the only cook in the family who never makes a mess of/in the kitchen.家里人做饭,唯有她不会把厨房搞得乱七八糟。A thrush's song was the only sound to break the silence.唯有画眉鸟的鸣叫声打破了宁静。His friendship was the one thing that made life bearable.唯有他的友情能使生活不那么艰难。He alone is the repository of my secrets.唯有对他我才能以内心秘密相托。The House of Representatives has the sole power to impeach an officer of the United States government.唯有众议院有权弹劾美国政府的官员。I have only disdain for bigots.我对固执己见的人唯有蔑视。Only the occasional village served as a reminder that the country was inhabited.唯有偶尔出现的村庄提醒人们这一带乡间有人居住。She thought that her rightful place was in the home.她认为唯有操持家务才是自得其所。She was the only one in the family he could talk to.一家人当中唯有她才会听他诉说心事。Only a small man would think of that at such a time.唯有小人才会在那样的时刻想到那上头去。Only time will tell whether these fine sentiments will translate into action.唯有时间才知道这番豪情能否变成行动。His job was all he really cared about. His personal life always came last.他真正关心的唯有自己的工作,个人生活则总是最后考虑。The only certainties in this world, as Benjamin Franklin famously observed, are death and taxes.这个世界上确定无疑的事,如本杰明・富兰克林那句名言所说,唯有死亡和税收。The only things that made her life bearable were the occasional visits from her grandchildren.唯有孙辈们偶尔来看望她,她的生活才能熬下去。He must fall on his sword. That's the only course left open to him.他必须面对失败,他唯有这一条路走。That country turned a solitary thumbs-down on our application for the membership.唯有那个国家不赞成我国申请入会。No-one else can say what its value to you is – only you can be the judge of that.其他人都不能道明它对于你的价值,唯有你自己才能作评价。I have naught but sympathy for you.我对你唯有同情。There was only one crumb of comfort – Alex hadn't said anything to Jeff.唯有一点是值得安慰的,那就是亚历克斯对杰夫什么也没说。Only art can substitute for nature.唯有艺术能代替自然。The silence was broken only by a regular drip, drip, drip.唯有嘀嗒嘀嗒的滴水声打破这宁静。Humans are uniquely able to use true language.唯有人类能够使用真正的语言。I have nothing but praise for the hospital staff.对医院的工作人员我唯有赞扬。The others drifted away. Melanie stayed.其他人都散去了,唯有梅拉妮留了下来。Repetition of the experiment was the only resort.唯有把实验重做一遍这条路了。Whether this is just a passing fad or a lasting fashion trend, only time will tell.这只是一时的风尚还是持久的潮流,唯有时间才能证明。His song was the only omission from the programme.唯有他的演唱从节目单上删去。I only feel truly alive when I'm outside, in the open air.唯有在户外,在露天才真正地活了起来。




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