例句 |
She's always talking at me instead of with me.她从来不是与我交谈,总是冲著我叽叽呱呱说个不停。The crows kept up a steady raucous sound.乌鸦不住发出呱呱的叫声。We could hear the ducks quacking.我们能听到鸭子在呱呱地叫。Crows cawed in the trees.几只乌鸦在树上呱呱地叫。Frogs make a low noise called a croak.青蛙会发出“呱呱”的低沉叫声。The crow squawked loudly.乌鸦呱呱大叫。The tourists were jabbering away on the bus.那些游客在公共汽车上叽叽呱呱地说话。The ducks started quacking loudly when we threw them some bread.我们向那些鸭子扔面包时,它们呱呱地大叫起来。Hens and ducks squawk when frightened.鸡鸭在受惊时会咯咯呱呱大叫。 |