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词汇 周二
例句 If I lend you this book, can I have it back by next Tuesday?我要是把这本书借给你,你下周二之前能还给我吗?I'm afraid we can't meet till Wednesday - I'm tied up on Monday and Tuesday.恐怕我们要到周三才能碰头——我周一和周二都脱不开身。Next week I'll arrive on Tuesday and leave on Friday.下周我周二到,周五走。Two armed men raided the bank on Tuesday.两名武装男子在周二抢劫了这家银行。Classes start a week on Tuesday.课程于一周后的周二开始。I want to work at home on a Tuesday but as it turns out sometimes it's a Wednesday or a Thursday.我想周二在家工作,但实际上有时却是周三或是周四。Three skiers were buried alive in a massive avalanche on Tuesday.三名滑雪者被周二的大雪崩活埋了。The two days between Monday and Thursday are Tuesday and Wednesday.周一和周四之间的两天是周二和周三。The Governor will appear before the committee next Tuesday.周二,州长将接受委员会的质询。The meeting is next Tuesday, which, come to think of it, is also the date of my doctor's appointment.周二要开会,才想起来,那天我恰好预约了医生。We've got a chemistry practical on Tuesday morning.我们周二上午有化学实验课。I'm sorry I can't make it this Tuesday.对不起,我周二不行。I don't think we have anything on next Tuesday, do we?我们下周二没什么安排,对吧?The meeting was supposed to take place on Tuesday, but we've had to postpone it.会议本应该在周二召开的,但我们不得不将它推迟了。I guess I got you wrong. I thought you meant Tuesday, not today.我想是我搞错了,我以为你说的是周二,不是今天。The party will be on Tuesday, rain or shine.聚会无论如何都会在周二举行。We should go out for lunch. Are you available next Tuesday?我们应该出去吃午饭。你下周二有空吗?On Monday he breathed his last; on Tuesday the will was read; on Wednesday all hell broke loose.周一他去世了;周二宣读了遗嘱;周三就闹翻了天。We meet up regularly on Tuesdays.我们经常在周二见面。The hospital is holding/having a pain clinic on Tuesday night for anyone interested in learning how to deal with chronic pain.这家医院周二晚上将举办一次健康讲座,凡是想了解如何应对慢性疼痛的人都可以参加。The judge adjourned the hearing until next Tuesday.法官将听审时间推迟到下周二I'll be on vacation for two weeks starting this Tuesday.我从这周二开始休假两周。I'm very busy this week but I could squeeze you in at 2.30 on Tuesday.我这个星期非常忙,但我能抽出点时间在周二两点半时见你。Tuesday night is disco night at the pub.周二晚上是酒吧的迪斯科之夜。The group meets fortnightly on Tuesdays.那个小组在每隔一周的周二碰头。Can we see the full text of your speech before Tuesday?我们能在周二前看到你演讲的全文吗?Powell talked to a group of industry leaders in Atlanta on Tuesday.周二鲍威尔在亚特兰大对一批工业界领袖作演讲。We've switched the meeting from Tuesday to Thursday.我们把会议从周二改到了周四。The office will be issuing permits on Tuesday and Thursday mornings.办事处将在周二和周四的上午颁发许可证。I went to see my mother, like I always do on Tuesdays.我像平常周二时一样去看望我母亲。We meet regularly every other Tuesday.我们每个隔周周二定期见面。Severe thunderstorms are forecast for Tuesday night.预报说周二晚上有恶劣的雷暴天气。Am I supposed to be at the meeting on Tuesday?我得出席周二的会议吗?Talks are likely to start next Tuesday.会谈有望于下周二开始。The last five winners will be named next Tuesday.周二将宣布最后五名获胜者。We need to bring the meeting forward from Tuesday to Monday so that more people can attend.我们需要把会议从周二提前到周一,以便更多的人能够参加。There have been several powerful aftershocks since Tuesday's quake.周二的地震之后发生过几次较强的余震。I met him on a Thursday, and by the following Tuesday we were great friends.我周四和他相识,到接下来的周二时已经成了非常要好的朋友。The Supreme Court heard the case on Tuesday.最高法院于周二审理了此案。The President debated his challenger in front of a live audience on Tuesday.周二,总统在现场观众面前与挑战者进行了辩论。




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