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词汇 向前推进
例句 The advancing army met with little resistance.向前推进的军队没遇到什么抵抗。The commandos pushed forward under the covering fire of their artillery.突击队在炮兵的火力掩护下向前推进He felt the great machine thrust forwards with unbelievable power.他感到这台大机器以不可思议的力量向前推进They've had to fight their way through a lot of red tape to get the project approved.他们不得不在种种烦琐手续中向前推进,以使这一项目获批。The troops were under orders to move in from France.部队奉命从法国向前推进My studies continued at a dizzying pace.我的研究仍在以令人头晕目眩的速度向前推进The most important thing now is to move onwards.现在最重要的是继续向前推进She carried this idea one step further.她把这个想法向前推进了一步。Our intelligence shows that the enemy is advancing.我们的情报显示敌人正在向前推进Her career was helped along by her wealthy uncle.她的有钱的叔叔帮助向前推进了她的事业。British troops were pushed mindlessly forward.英军盲目地受命向前推进There was a gain of five yards on first down, but a loss of three yards on second down.第一次进攻向前推进了五码,但第二次却后退了三码。The TV cameras zoomed in.电视向前推进摄像机镜头。The quarterback gained five yards on a keeper.四分卫利用护球推进打法向前推进了五码。Sailboats use wind as their source/means of propulsion.帆船利用风力作为向前推进的动力/方式。Our plans are moving forward. 我们的计划正在向前推进The Allies were making good headway up in the north-west.西北方的盟军向前推进了不少。Aristotle took the scientific approach a step further.亚里士多德将该科学方法向前推进了一步。Both sides advanced by stealth.双方都暗中向前推进Chelsea pushed forward, looking for that vital second goal.切尔西队向前推进,寻找机会攻入第二个球绝杀对手。In a good production of the play, the action and the words flow naturally.在好的戏剧作品中,动作和台词都会很流畅地向前推进




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