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词汇 cold air
例句 His throat was raw from the cold air.他的喉咙被冷空气刺痛。She breathed in the cold air.她吸进了冷空气。I could feel the cold air streaming in through the crack in the window.我可以感觉到冷风透过窗户裂缝吹了进来。In the cold air, his cheeks glowed.在寒冷的空气中,他的脸冻得通红。A stream of cold air came in through the crack.一股冷风从裂缝里吹了进来。Blasting cold air over it makes the water evaporate.向它喷射冷空气可以使水蒸发。The dry cold air was scented with wood smoke.干冷的空气中飘着木柴烟的香味。Keith opened the window and leaned out into the cold air.基思打开窗户,探出身到冷风中。His voice tailed away in the bitter cold air.他的声音在刺骨的寒风中越来越微弱。The cold air brought on one of his coughing fits.冷风吹来,他又咳嗽了一阵。Heat rises because hot air is lighter than cold air.热气往上升是因为热空气比冷空气轻。His breath was frozen in the cold air.寒气中,他呼出的水气都结成冰了。A stream of cold air rushed through the open door.一股冷风从敞开的门中穿过。Blasts of cold air swept down from the mountains.强冷气流从山上疾掠而下。We felt a blast of cold air as she opened the door.她一开门,我们就感到一阵冷风吹来。Jake stood shivering in the cold air.大冷天杰克站着冻得直发抖。The cold air made me shiver.冷空气使我打寒战。The cold air had given an edge to my appetite.冷空气使我的食欲增加。A sudden puff of cold air hit the back of my neck.突然一阵冷空气扑向了我的脖子后面。A heater introduces warm air to mix with incoming cold air.一个加热器引入了暖空气,使之与新进来的冷空气相混合。Fridges won't work properly if you jam so much food into them that the cold air can't circulate.如果你把这么多食物塞进冰箱,导致冷气不能流动,那么冰箱就不能正常工作了。




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