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词汇 cold
例句 The metal felt smooth and cold.这种金属摸上去光滑而冰冷。Later you may rub down with a cold wet flannel.过一会儿,你可以拿一块凉的法兰绒湿毛巾把全身擦干净。It's so cold. I wish I was back home in Morocco.天气真冷,我希望回到摩洛哥的家中。The player insists that he merely took a cold remedy and not a banned substance.该运动员坚持说他只是服用了感冒药而不是什么禁药。The impact was so sudden and so fierce, it knocked me out cold.这撞击又突然又猛烈,把我击昏了。None of the medicines I've taken have shifted this cold.我吃的那些药没有一种治好过我的感冒。He has recovered from his bad cold.他的重伤风痊愈了。Beef and lamb are hung in a cold store for at least a week.牛肉和羊肉至少要在冷藏库里挂一个星期。The room grew cold.这个房间越来越冷了。I had a stubborn cold and coughed day and night.我得了很难治的感冒,日夜咳嗽。When you've finished with the sponge, simply rinse it in cold water.用完海绵后,在冷水里冲洗一下就行了。She fell into the cold water and nearly died from hypothermia.她掉进冷水中,差点因体温过低而死。British ministers have gently poured cold water on the idea.英国的大臣们已经委婉地表示不看好这一想法。In such hot weather, we were all panting after a cold drink.天气炎热,我们都渴望喝点冷饮。Ann had a cold and was sneezing and coughing.安感冒了,又打喷嚏又咳嗽。The marble table felt smooth and cold against her arm.大理石桌子碰在她手臂上的感觉又滑又凉。Hungarian goulash sticks to the ribs on cold winter nights.匈牙利炖牛肉让人在冬天的夜晚吃得心满意足。There's a nasty cold going around: I hope you don't catch it.现在重感冒流行,我希望你别染上。The weather was dry and cold; wisps of steam puffed from their lips.天气又干又冷,他们嘴里哈出缕缕白气。We were treated like cattle, herded into this pit in the freezing cold.我们在大冷天被人像赶牛一样赶进了这个又脏又乱的屋子。In winter the nights are long and cold.冬夜漫长而寒冷。I've tried everything to get rid of this cold, but it just won't go away.我想尽一切办法想把这次感冒治好,可它就是好不了。In his autobiography, he portrays his father as cold and heartless.在自传中,他把父亲描绘成冷酷无情的人。Yesterday's weather was very cold. Today's weather is mild by comparison.昨天天气非常冷。相对而言今天的天气算温和的了。He refuses to answer the door to anyone who cold calls.他拒绝为任何上门推销的人开门。The sun went in, and the breeze became cold.云层遮住了太阳,微风有了些凉意。That Harriet is a cold-hearted bitch.那个哈丽雅特是个心肠冷酷的婊子。It was October, so it was quite cold.那时候是十月,所以很冷。I stayed in bed and nursed my cold.我患感冒后卧床养病。The government has blown hot and cold on this bill, and we just don't know where they stand now.政府对于这个议案摇摆不定,我们根本不知道他们现在的立场是什么。You're always throwing cold water on my suggestions.你总是对我的建议泼凉水。Fatigue predisposes one to cold.疲劳使人容易感冒。He stood out in the cold and waited.他站在寒冷的室外等着。The house has extra insulation to keep out the cold.这个房子有额外加上的隔热层抵御寒冷。The water was uncomfortably cold.水太冷了。She worked as a call centre operator making cold calls for time-share holidays.她是一个电话中心的接线员,专为分时度假业务拨打推销电话。Snow fell so that you could almost smell the cold.下雪了,你几乎可以嗅到寒气。Eggs shouldn't be kept in the fridge, it's too cold.鸡蛋不应保存在冰箱里,温度太低了。It was so cold that my fingers went numb.天太冷了,我的手指都冻僵了。His voice tailed away in the bitter cold air.他的声音在刺骨的寒风中越来越微弱。




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