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词汇 受灾
例句 Emergency funds are being provided to help mitigate the effects of the disaster.正在调集应急资金以帮助减轻受灾影响。The Premier toured the hardest hit area of the South.总理巡视了南方受灾最重的地区。Those most immediately involved in the disaster will be given support.那些受灾最直接的人将会获得援助。When he arrived at the scene of the disaster, he was struck dumb with horror and amazement.他赶到受灾现场,吓得目瞪口呆。News of the disaster was spreading quickly.受灾的消息很快传了开来。Planes parachuted food and blankets to help the victims.多架飞机空投食品和毯子以帮助受灾者。Insurance companies are having to shell out millions of pounds to the victims of the floods.保险公司将要向水灾的受灾者支付几百万英镑的赔款。The government is extending aid to people who have been affected by the earthquake.政府正在为地震受灾居民提供援助。Emergency officials will tour flooded areas to assess the extent of the damage.紧急事务官员将巡视被淹地区,评估受灾程度。Medical equipment and food are being flown into the areas worst hit by the disaster.医疗设备和食物正由飞机运往受灾最严重的地区。Supplies were helicoptered to the stricken villages.日用必需品以直升机运往受灾村庄。The Prince, accompanied by the Princess, spoke to many of the disaster victims in the hospital.王子在王妃的陪同下,与医院里的许多受灾者交谈。




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