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词汇 原版
例句 Remakes have a way of being worse than the original movies.翻拍影片往往没有原版影片好看。Take the master and make 20 copies by tomorrow.把这原版拿去明天复制出二十份来。The new version bears little resemblance to the original.新版和原版没什么相似之处。The new version is a sad imitation of the original movie.这部影片的新版本是对原版的蹩脚模仿。We read Homer in the original, not in translation. 我们拜读了荷马史诗的原版,而不是译本。The original music is lost to us forever.原版音乐永远地失传了。Most local cinemas show films in the original language, with German subtitles.多数当地影院放映配有德语字幕的原版电影。This is the original version, not the revision.这是原版,不是修订版。This version is better than the original but that's not saying much.这个版本比原版好,不过这也没什么可奇怪的。The original version featured a guitar solo.吉他独奏是原版的特色。She chanced upon an original copy of the book in her grandfather's attic.她在祖父的阁楼里偶然发现了这本书的原版This isn't a reprint, it's an original.这不是再印版,是原版Ian Fleming's original unpublished notes are to go under the hammer at London auctioneers Sotheby's.伊恩·弗莱明未出版的原版笔记将在伦敦的苏富比拍卖行进行拍卖。The second-hand version is a poor copy of the original.盗版版本是对原版的低劣复制。I sent her a copy and kept the master.我寄给她了一份拷贝,自己留下了原版




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