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词汇 几周
例句 The oil price surge of recent weeks has catalysed the latest falls in world markets.最近几周的油价暴涨带来了全球市场价格的下跌。Stock and bond markets have gyrated in recent weeks.证券市场近几周波动很大。If the skin graft takes, surgeons will do another operation a few weeks later.如果皮肤移植成功,几周后外科医生就会施行另一项手术。We entered into meaningful discussions with them weeks ago.几周前,我们和他们进行了富有意义的讨论。Many policies pay out only after a period of weeks or months.很多保单在几周或几个月后才得以赔付。The fuel shortage brought the country to its knees within weeks.燃料短缺使整个国家在几周内陷入了瘫痪。Sommers performed a flute solo a few weeks ago that got so-so reviews.萨默斯几周前表演了一场长笛独奏,反映平平。In the first weeks of the war, dozens of defenceless ships were sunk by submarines.战争开始的几周内,许多没有自卫能力的船只被潜水艇击沉。A feeling of unease has been abroad these last few weeks.在过去的几周里,一种不安的情绪已经四散开了。Demands for his dismissal have gathered momentum in recent weeks.最近几周,要求将他解职的呼声越来越高。You're going to see several weeks of an air campaign to soften up the troops.你将看到几周的空战以削弱部队防御。With only a few weeks left before the election, the campaign has shifted into hyperdrive. 距离选举只剩几周时间了,竞选活动在紧锣密鼓地进行着。He can only hold out a few more weeks.他只能再坚持几周了。The weeks crawled by until we could meet again.几周好容易挨过去了,我们又能见面了。We haven't had a measurable amount of rain in the past several weeks.在过去几周里,我们这里没有明显的降雨。The stock market has been flat on its back in recent weeks.最近几周股市很不景气。The weeks following the riots were extremely tense.暴乱之后的几周气氛极其紧张。After a few weeks in the ocean, the boat began to corrode.小船在海上漂泊几周后开始受腐蚀。Over the past few weeks we have seen the currency's big retreat from its historic high.在过去几周内,这一货币的价格从历史最高点大幅回落。It took a few more weeks until I could finally connect up with Mark over the phone.又过了几周以后,我才终于和马克通上了电话。Weeks of heavy rain have washed away roads and bridges.几周的大雨将道路和桥梁都冲垮了。She had written him a note a couple of weeks earlier.几周前给他写过一个便条。Surprising developments have kept the murder investigation in the headlines for several weeks.令人吃惊的进展使得这起谋杀的相关调查连续几周成为重要新闻。Sales have slowed to a trickle in recent weeks.最近几周,销售量逐步减少。Some weeks later I rang the police to ask if I would be needed as a witness.几周后我打电话给警察,询问是否需要我做目击证人。The President's secretary looked tired, his face a diary of the past few weeks.总统秘书显出劳累的样子,他的脸上留着过去几周来紧张工作的痕迹。The team managed to remain undefeated in the final weeks of the season.在本赛季最后几周的比赛中,这支球队成功保持不败。You should have your hair trimmed every few weeks to get rid of split ends.你应该隔几周就修剪一下头发,剪掉分叉的发梢。Symptoms may not appear for some weeks, so diagnosis can be difficult.症状可能在几周里都不会出现,所以诊断起来会比较困难。That clock's been bust for weeks.那个钟坏了好几周了。His behaviour these past few weeks has been worrying.在过去这几周,他的行为令人担心。The value of the stock has taken a tumble in recent weeks.这只股票的价值在最近几周跌了不少。Winter produce will cost more for the next few weeks.在未来几周,冬季农产品会更贵。Security has been heightened over the last several weeks.最近几周加强了安全措施。The review process is expected to continue for several weeks.审核过程预计要持续几周时间。For weeks the media has been building up the national basketball team.媒体几周来一直在吹捧国家篮球队。Senior party sources say Liddell will be eased out during the next few weeks.据党内高级人士称,利德尔会在接下来的几周内被悄然解职。After weeks of total chaos, suddenly everything just fell into place.经过几周的混乱状态之后,突然一切都步入正轨了。In recent weeks the chorus of complaining has been growing.几周出现了越来越多的抱怨声。I've been trying to get rid of this pesky cold for weeks.几周来,我一直努力摆脱这讨厌的感冒。




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