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例句 It would take many decades to build up the level of education and sophistication.教养和人情世故需要好几十年的时间来积累。Once you have had a cold you build up immunity to that particular virus.你一旦患上感冒,你的身体就会产生抵御这种病毒的免疫力。They hewed logs to build a cabin.他们砍木头建木屋。The race is on to build up membership fast.举办这次竞赛是为了迅速招募成员。The build-up of troops in the region makes war seem more likely.在这一地区集结军队加大了战争爆发的可能性。We have passed a resolution to build a new laboratory.我们已通过决议建一个新实验室。The company won a multi-million-dollar contract to build a new courthouse. = The company was awarded a multi-million-dollar contract to build a new courthouse.这家公司获得了承建新法院大楼数百万美元的合同。The city offered the company tax breaks as an enticement to build a factory there.这座城市向那家公司提供减免税收的优惠,吸引公司建厂。We need to build more new homes.我们需要建造更多的新住宅。The big retail chains have bought up large amounts of land to build new stores.各大零售连锁巨头买下了大量地皮准备建新店。Self-build is becoming an increasingly popular choice.自建已成为越来越流行的选择。The plan to build a new nursery school was blocked by local residents.建新幼儿园的计划受到了当地居民的阻挠。To build a road in the mountainous area was a real challenge.在山区修筑公路确是艰巨的事。They are not unlike in essentials. Hair, build, age ...他们在头发、身材、年龄…这些基本方面并非不相像。Local residents have put the skids under plans to build a new shopping centre.当地居民的反对使得建一个新购物中心的计划泡了汤。This is a rough drawing of the house I want to build.这是我想要建造的房子的草图。People have been mobilised to build defences and drain flooded land as heavy rains continue to fall.大雨还在继续下,人们已经被动员起来修筑防洪工事,为遭淹田地排水。The media will report on it and the tabloids will build it up.媒体会对此事进行报道,小报也会大肆吹捧。The Energy Department, fearful of public reaction, has cancelled its plans to build four new nuclear reactors.能源部因担心会引起公众的不满,取消了兴建四个新的核反应堆的计划。It was not feasible to build a bridge at that point.在那个地点造桥是不可行的。You should build your arguments on facts.你的论点应建立在事实的基础上。Resentment and jealousy can often build up in relationships.男女关系中恨和嫉妒往往会逐渐加深。Teachers should build up the sight vocabulary of children.教师应培养学童逐步积累一批见物识字的语汇。If the Republicans want to build a majority, they need the north-east.如果共和党想确立多数票,则需要东北部选区的支持。The government plans to build more toll roads and high-speed rail links.政府计划兴建更多的收费道路和高速铁路。I was running 20 miles a week in my build-up for the race.我赛前准备阶段一星期跑二十英里。The leak led to a slow build-up of carbon dioxide.泄漏引起二氧化碳慢慢聚积。She dusted herself down and left to build her own career.她重振旗鼓去开创自己的事业了。Economists warn that enormous pressures could build up, forcing people to emigrate westwards.经济学家警告,压力可能会越来越大,迫使人们迁往西部。They're going to build houses here.他们要在这里建房子。Are they going to build on this land?他们打算在这块地上建房子吗?They pulled down the warehouse to build a new supermarket.他们拆掉了仓库来建一个新超市。Deal with any problems when necessary, so preventing a build-up of strain.有必要时就处理一下问题,这样就能防止压力的积聚。Problems arose over plans to build a new supermarket here.有关在这儿建新超市的计划出现了些问题。They have decided to build a dam across the river.他们决定在这条河上建一座水坝。He had the spare build of a runner.他有着赛跑运动员的瘦长体型。They used publicity to build up their candidates.他们进行宣传,为他们的候选人造舆论。The company was considered as a possible subcontractor to build the aeroplane.该公司被视为能够承担该飞机制造任务的潜在分包商之一。They got/received permission from the city to build an apartment complex.市政府批准他们兴建公寓楼群。The proposal to build a new nuclear energy plant caused a huge row. 建造新核电厂的提案引起一片哗然。




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