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词汇 修补
例句 One strut had fractured and been crudely repaired in several places.一根撑木出现了裂痕,有几处已进行了粗略的修补She helped me mend the puncture.她帮助我修补轮胎上扎出来的小孔。Builders are carrying out repairs to the roof and walls.建筑工人正在修补屋顶和墙壁。He upended the bicycle to fix its flat tire.他把自行车倒过来修补瘪了的车胎。They've done piecemeal repairs in the past, but the bridge now needs major reconstruction.过去他们对这座桥做了些零零星星的修补,但现在这座桥需要大修。We can patch up those holes.我们可以修补这些破洞。He made a few repairs to the stairs.他对楼梯做了几处修补One of the mechanics took off the damaged tyre, and took it back to the station to be patched.其中一个机修工卸下坏轮胎,把它带回维修站修补The mechanic took the damaged tyre back to the station to be patched.修理工把受损轮胎带回修理厂修补I'll sort the old shoes for you.我将为你把旧鞋修补一下。They stuck in a pin to repair the fibula.他们插进一根钉子以修补腓骨。Dad was up the ladder, repairing the roof.爸爸在梯子上修补屋顶。They repaired a breach in the fence.他们修补了栅栏缺口。Builders spent several weeks repairing the roof.建筑工人花了几个星期时间修补屋顶。He tried to heal the rift with his brother.他试图修补和兄弟之间的裂痕。They started to mend the woodwork and paint the walls.他们开始修补木建部分,粉刷墙壁。Fishermen with sunburned faces sat on the beach mending their nets.脸被晒得黝黑的渔民们坐在沙滩上修补渔网。This suit has several repairs.这套衣服有几处修补过的地方。You can watch the fishermen mending their nets.你可以看着渔夫们修补渔网。Before you start painting, prepare the walls by cleaning them and filling any cracks.粉刷之前,先清理墙面、修补裂缝,做好准备工作。The plumber fixed the leak.管道工对泄漏处进行了修补Mr. Brown bought some turfs to repair the lawn in his front yard.布朗先生买了一些草皮块来修补他家前院的草坪。The fence needs to be patched.栅栏需要修补When he is off-duty, he likes to tinker with little things.当他不上班时,他喜欢修补一些小东西。I fixed a small leak in the roof.修补了屋顶上的一个小洞。She's gone on holiday with her husband to try and patch up their marriage.她和丈夫外出度假,试图修补他们的婚姻。The school needs major structural repairs.这所学校需要在建筑结构方面进行重大修补The road needs resurfacing, not just patching up.道路需要重铺路面,而不是草草修补了事。He fixed a flat tyre on his bike.修补了他自行车上一个撒了气的轮胎。The relationship has been damaged past repair.这段关系已经破裂到无法修补The brickwork was cracked and in need of repair.砖墙出现裂缝,需要修补Fishermen were mending their nets.渔民们在修补他们的渔网。That leak ought to be fixed.那个裂缝应该修补You could see the imperfections in the repair when the light caught it.你能在光的照射下看到一些修补不完善的地方。He patched the barn roof.修补了谷仓的顶部。The boat's got a hole in the side, but I'm just going to try and patch it up for now.船的一侧有个洞,我正在设法把它暂时修补一下。Scotch tape is very useful for making quick repairs.透明胶带对于快速修补十分有用。Several fishermen sat on wooden barrels, tending their nets.几个渔夫坐在木桶上修补渔网。They made the repairs with minimal disruption to the schedule.他们在修补时尽量减少对进程的影响。She's adept at fixing flaws in the system.她擅长修补系统的漏洞。




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