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词汇 保守
例句 Even within the conservative camp, there is quite a wide range of opinion.即便在保守阵营内部也是意见纷呈。The Foundation's conservative leadership made it clear it wanted no part of anything controversial.该基金会态度保守的领导层表明不想介入任何争端。Some rednecks beat up some noisy college students at the pub.一些观念狭隘保守的人在酒吧里痛揍一些喧闹的大学生。Estimates have been deliberately pitched on the conservative side.有意作了保守的估计。She was a modest girl, always keeping covered, even in summer.她是个保守的女孩,总是穿得严严实实的,甚至在夏天也如此。What a conventional, middle-aged attitude he has to life!他对生活的态度实在太保守了,简直像中年人!That number might be an underestimate.那个数字可能比较保守There are still many traditionalists in the church who strongly oppose the idea of women priests.教会里仍有许多保守的人,他们强烈反对妇女当牧师。Rock'n'roll has become so commercialized and safe since punk.摇滚乐自朋克风格之后已经变得如此商业化和保守了。Her husband is a true-blue Tory.她丈夫是一位保守的托利党人。Her uncle is antiquated in ideas.她叔父的思想陈旧保守Cultural attitudes to women were more reactionary than in most of Western Europe.当地文化对待女性的态度要比西欧大多数国家保守I want you to keep this to yourself!我要你保守这事的秘密!She is outspokenly liberal/conservative in her views.她坦率地表达出自己开放/保守的观点。He's accused of paying her hush money to keep their affair secret.他被控付给她封口费,让她保守他们之间暖昧关系的秘密。She preferred wearing more modest swimsuits.她喜欢穿保守些的泳衣。His political views are slightly right of center. 他的政治观点是有一点保守They are more old hat than progressive.他们保守,而不进步。Don't be such a fuddy duddy!别那么保守She was always very conservatively dressed when we went out.我们外出时,她总是穿得很保守The class managed to keep the party a secret until Lorraine, unable to control herself any longer, spilled the beans.班里的同学都保守了聚会的秘密,直到洛兰再也忍不住,把事情张扬了出去。He oscillates between conservatism and radicalism.他在保守方针和激进措施之间摇摆。She has always invested conservatively/aggressively.她投资总是很保守/冒进。It's been hell trying to keep this secret for so long.保守这个秘密如此之久真是痛苦。The company's conservative instincts sit ill with competition.该公司保守的本性不利于竞争。Carol is sexually inhibited, but she dresses very seductively.卡萝尔在性方面很保守,但她穿得却非常性感。Older people will have grown up in a time of greater sexual prudishness.年纪稍大的人是在一个性观念更为保守的时代中成长起来的。He thinks that anyone wearing a suit and tie is ipso facto a conservative. 他觉得任何一个穿西装系领带的人都必定是保守人士。His politics are very liberal/conservative. 他的政治观点很自由/保守Haig was limited by his blinkered approach to strategy and tactics.海格被自己那一套保守的战略战术所束缚。He surveys American politics with a conservative world view.他用一种保守的世界观审视美国政治。She had been faithful to her promise to guard this secret.她一直信守承诺,保守着这个秘密。He began his professional life as an accountant, the very model of respectability and conservatism.他开始了会计师的职业生涯,一份典型的体面而保守的工作。The collection is conservatively valued at three million dollars.这批藏品的保守估价在三百万美元。Many may be keeping it a guilty secret.许多人或许保守着这个罪恶的秘密。He was forced to resign by Russia's conservative parliament.他在俄罗斯保守议会的压力下被迫辞职。He had long been critical of Conservative policy.他一直以来都对保守党的政策颇有微词。She's more conservative now than she was in college.她现在比在大学期间更加保守The radicals in the party were clearly sacked to propitiate the conservative core.开除政党中的激进分子显然是为了安抚保守的核心成员。Some working-class voters think they would get a better deal under a Conservative government.一些工人阶层选民认为,保守党执政的话他们会得到更好的待遇。




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