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词汇 compare
例句 For our assignment we must compare and contrast the two poets. 我们的作业是对两个诗人进行比较和对比。I think there are a few things we might compare notes on.我认为有几件事情我们可以交换一下意见。Leading scientists got together in Paris to compare notes on current research.一些杰出科学家聚集在巴黎,就最新的研究交换意见。This view is beyond compare.这景色无与伦比。Let's compare notes on our experiences.让我们就各自的经历交换一下看法吧。How does your department's actual performance compare with your plan and budget?与计划和预算相比,你们部门的实际工作情况怎么样?I phoned a coworker after the meeting to compare notes.会后我给一位同事打了个电话交换意见。We'll all scribble down some suggestions, and then compare them.我们都会草草记下一些建议,然后加以比较。Her beauty is beyond compare. 她的美貌无与伦比。To compare large trucks with compact cars is to compare apples with oranges.大型卡车与小型轿车不具可比性。It is often very hard to compare all-male and all-female jobs.纯男性工作和纯女性工作之间常常很难作比较。You should compare at least three or four computers before buying one.购买之前,你应当至少比较一下三四台电脑。She had never had a real boyfriend before and so had no yardstick by which to compare Charles's behaviour.她以前从没有过真正的男朋友,所以没有可参照的标准来对比查尔斯的行为。People always compare him with his brother.人们总是将他与他哥哥相比。She used to be a beauty without compare.她曾经美丽无比。There's no one else to compare with him in this respect.在这方面没有其他人比得上他。The flowers here do not compare with those at home.这里的花不如家里的花开得好。How does this final presidential debate stack up and compare to the others, do you think?你认为这最后一次总统竞选辩论和其他几次相比怎么样?Note how smooth the skin of the upper arm is, then compare it to the skin on the elbow.请注意上臂的皮肤是多么光滑,然后把它和肘部的皮肤比较一下。The quality of English wines can now compare with wines from Germany.现在英国葡萄酒的质量可以和德国的相媲美。Statistical anomalies can make it difficult to compare economic data from one year to the next.统计上的不规范会使年与年之间的经济数据难以互相比较。Was it fair to compare independent schools with state schools?.拿私立学校与州立学校相比,这样公平吗?Simulators are very realistic, but they don't compare to the actual experience of flying an airplane.模拟器非常逼真,但是和驾驶飞机的真实体验是不能相比的。How does the actual cost compare with the budget?实际费用与预算相差多少?Four racing groups were having an informal meeting in Daytona to compare notes.四支赛车队在代托纳赛场举行非正式会晤,交换意见。How do the restaurants compare?这几家饭店相比起来如何?Vinyl is strong and looks good but it doesn't compare with real leather.乙烯基塑料牢固而且样子不错,但是无法与真皮相比。It's instructive to compare his technique with Bennett's.把他的技法和本内特的进行比较是有启发意义的。Don't sign or commit yourself to anything until you've had time to think it over and compare.要深思熟虑并认真比照后,才能签字或做出任何决定。If you compare rents in London with those in New York, you'll find they are about the same.如果你将伦敦和纽约的租金相比较,你会发现两者不相上下。We will compare the phonological features of the two languages.我们将比较这两种语言的音系特征。Unit pricing is a system that permits the customer to compare the costs of products.单位标价制是一种使顾客能够比较产品价格的制度。Spraining an ankle hurts but doesn't compare to breaking a leg. 扭伤脚踝很疼,但不及摔断腿疼。It's instructive to compare his technique with Alan Bennett's.把他的手法与艾伦·贝内特进行比较很富启发意义。The flowers here do not compare with those at home.这儿的花比不上家乡的花。She used to be a beauty beyond compare.她曾经美丽无比。How do the two techniques compare in terms of application?这两种手法实际运用起来哪个好一些?Shall we compare notes now?我们现在来对对笔记好吗? Nothing can compare with the exhilaration of riding a motorcycle as fast as you can.飙摩托车那种刺激的感觉是无可比拟的。It is a good idea to get two written estimates to compare costs.拿两份书面估价单来比照较成本是个好主意。




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