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词汇 comparatively
例句 These two languages must be studied comparatively.这两种语言必须用比较法研究。The restaurant isn't too expensive, comparatively/relatively speaking. 相比较而言,这家饭店不是很贵。The recession in Germany has been comparatively mild.德国的衰退相对而言要轻一些。On the whole, our financial system is comparatively centralized.财政体制,总的来说,我们是比较集中的。The past few days have seemed comparatively flat and empty.相对而言,过去的几天似乎比较沉闷无聊。A comparatively large number of students were absent.有相当多的学生缺席。The players have comparatively long periods of inactivity.运动员有几个比较长的休整期。The life of the troops was still comparatively austere.军队的生活还是相对清苦的。This house was comparatively cheap.这幢房屋比较起来是便宜的。Cab travel is comparatively cheap compared with yesteryear.与去年相比,出租车费便宜了一些。These prices are comparatively high.这些价格相对较高。She has been comparatively successful in maintaining her privacy.在保护自己的隐私方面她一直都做得比较成功。The pain is comparatively mild at the moment.这一刻疼痛比较轻微。We were absolutely broke in those days. Now we're comparatively well off.那些日子,我们穷得一文不名。现在,我们相对而言富裕了些。He was given a comparatively lenient fine.他被处以相对较轻的罚金。Until comparatively recently, dyslexia remained largely unrecognised.诵读困难症一直没有引起太多的注意,这种情形直到最近才有所改观。It has a much longer battery life than other comparatively priced laptops.与价位差不多的其他笔记本电脑相比,这款的电池寿命更长。The technology is still comparatively new.这种技术仍然比较新。




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