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词汇 compared
例句 I always thought she was a selfish woman but she was an absolute saint compared to Abigail.我一向认为她是个自私的女人,但是与阿比盖尔相比,她是个绝对的大好人。A pencil is not to be compared with a ruler.铅笔与尺大不相同。Her technique became a standard against which all future methods were compared.她的技术成了后来所有方法的参照标准。The singer's voice has been compared to that of Elvis.这名歌手的嗓音可与猫王埃尔维斯的嗓音媲美。Five billion dollars is peanuts compared to what the government spends each year.相比政府每年的开支,五十亿美元不算什么。California oil is a heavier and inferior grade of oil, compared with other crude oils.与其他地方的原油相比,加州石油更黏稠、等级低。It is a compliment to be compared to her.能与她相提并论是一种称赞。I suddenly felt extremely inadequate as I compared myself to him.把我自己和他一比,我突然觉得自己根本不称职。A pencil is not to be compared with a knife.铅笔与小刀很不相同。His income was modest compared with that of other chief executives.同其他首席执行官相比,他的收入不算高。This winter is a picnic compared with last year's.今年冬天比去年好过。We each did the homework assignment, then compared answers.我们各自完成家庭作业,然后对比答案。The painting was a pale affair compared with the actual scene.这幅画比起实景显得苍白无力。Being compared to Abba is a great compliment.和阿巴乐队相提并论是极大的荣誉。Scott is living and working at a mission for the homeless. He calls it a paradise compared to the camp.斯科特在一家救助无家可归者的慈善机构工作生活。与难民营相比,他称这个慈善机构为乐园。Cab travel is comparatively cheap compared with yesteryear.与去年相比,出租车费便宜了一些。Your room's huge compared to mine.你的房间跟我的比很大。Sarah found that work was a delight compared to motherhood.萨拉发现,与为人母亲相比,工作是一种乐趣。This is fearfully expensive compared with the last one I bought.这个和我上次买的那个相比贵得吓人。We were at a distinct disadvantage compared with children from richer families.与较富裕家庭的孩子相比,我们处于明显的劣势。Today's quiz was easy compared with the last one.相比上次的测验,今天的测验算是简单的。Even this is a drop in the ocean compared to the sums wasted on promotion.跟浪费在宣传上的钱相比,这也只算是沧海一粟。Last week's storm was small potatoes compared to the blizzard we had two years ago.与两年前我们经历的暴风雪相比,上周的暴风雨没什么大不了的。Such roles are small beer compared with the fame she once enjoyed.和她曾经享有的名气相比,这样的角色真的算不了什么。The description checked out when we compared it with the photograph. 当我们把这一描述和照片对比后,发现它属实。Some commentators compared his work to that of James Joyce.有些评注者把他的作品与詹姆斯·乔伊斯的作品相提并论。The poet compared his sweetheart to a beautiful rose.这位诗人把他的恋人比作美丽的玫瑰。My new car's a cinch to drive, compared to the old one.我的新车比起旧车来很容易开。His progress at school had been unspectacular compared to his brother.和弟弟相比,他在学校里的进步很不起眼。There is no modern-day racing driver who could be compared with Fangio.现代的赛车手没有人能和范吉奥相比。The parents compared notes on raising children.家长们就养育孩子的问题交换了看法。This money is just a drop in the ocean compared to what's needed.与所需要的相比,这点儿钱远远不够,只是杯水车薪。Emerald starlings are fairly small when compared with other such birds.与同类的其他鸟相比,翠辉椋鸟要小很多。Profits were good compared with last year.与去年相比,利润是不错的。Rail freight charges are high compared with the cost of road haulage.与公路货运相比,铁路运输的费用较为昂贵。She compared the media to a pack of ravening / ravenous wolves.她把媒体比作一群饿狼。But this was peanuts compared to the wealth that my father amassed.不过,与我父亲敛聚的财富相比,这是区区小数。He's a pretty noncompetitive guy, especially compared to his brothers.他是个不怎么争强好胜的小伙子,尤其是跟他的兄弟们相比。Such problems are small beer compared with the problems already overcome.这些问题同已经克服的问题比起来算不得什么。The company hasn't much to crow about, with sales down compared with last year.公司的销售额比去年下降了,没有什么可夸耀的。




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