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词汇 comparative
例句 After living here five years, we're still considered comparative newcomers.我们在这里生活了五年,可是与别人相比我们仍被视为新来的。She did a comparative study of classical and modern art.她对古典和现代艺术做了比较研究。She is a comparative newcomer to the industry. 相对来说,她还算是这个行业的新手。The comparative advantages enjoyed by the various economies militate for more and freer trade.各经济体的相对优势有利于开展更多、更自由的贸易活动。We reached the comparative safety of a narrow ledge.我们到了一个狭窄暗礁,相对安全了。I'm taking a class in comparative anatomy/literature.我正在学习比较解剖学/文学的课程。For comparative purposes, the populations of three other cities are also shown.为便于比较,还显示了另外三个城市的人口。We expected to win with comparative ease.我们希望能比较轻松地取胜。She's carrying out a comparative study of health in inner cities and rural areas.她正在对市中心区和乡村地区的健康问题进行比较研究。We dropped anchor in the comparative safety of the harbor. 我们在相对安全的港湾抛锚。During the bombings, families sheltered in the comparative safety of the underground rail stations.轰炸时期,各家各户躲在相对安全的地铁车站内。The accommodation was something of a comedown from the comparative luxury of the hotel.从宾馆的相对豪华程度来说,这种住宿条件是有点不相称。Fresh fruit and vegetables have become a comparative rarity in the region.新鲜水果和蔬菜在该地区已经变得相对稀罕。The task was accomplished with comparative ease.相对而言,任务完成得比较轻松。I enjoyed the comparative calm of his flat after the busy office.在办公室忙碌一天之后,我喜欢他公寓房里相对的安静。This comparative peace continued for thousands of years.这种相对的和平持续了几千年。We sailed into the comparative shelter of the harbour.我们驶到海港中相对安全的避风处。After a lifetime of poverty, his last few years were spent in comparative comfort.他大半辈子贫困,但晚年还是过得比较舒适的。We performed a comparative analysis of genes from different species.我们比较分析了不同物种的基因。Our comparative study of political culture includes five democracies.我们这个政治文化对比研究涉及了五个民主政体。In most states contributory negligence has been superceded by comparative negligence.在多数州里,混合过失行为已经被比较过失所取代。Publishers here enjoy comparative freedom to publish what they want.这里的出版商享有比较自由的出版权。




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