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词汇 comparison
例句 Her looks are beyond comparison.她的美貌无与伦比。He's a well-behaved child in comparison with his brother.与他哥哥相比较,他算是个乖孩子。He was a loud friendly man. In comparison, his brother was rather shy.他是个热情的大嗓门,相比之下他弟弟就比较腼腆。By comparison with other European countries, car prices in the UK are very high.和欧洲其他国家相比较,英国的汽车价格非常高。You can plot all these numbers on one diagram for comparison.你可以在一幅图上标出所有这些数字以供对比。Those places are modern by comparison with Tresillian.与特西利安相比,那些地方很现代。Irving's work bears comparison with the best of the modern novelists.欧文的作品堪与最优秀的现代小说家的作品媲美。We employ far fewer staff in comparison with similar-sized companies.与同等规模的公司相比,我们雇用的员工人数要少得多。By comparison with the two newcomers to party leadership, he is the grandfather of the nation.和党的领导层中两位新秀比起来,他是这个国家的元老。The author draws a comparison between East and West Germany and the North-South divide in England.作者把东、西德和英格兰的南北差异作了比较。His powerful performances inevitably invite comparison with those of de Niro.他那富有感染力的表演不免让人把他和德尼罗相提并论。To have a better comparison, we need to go further and address such issues as repairs and insurance.为了更好地作出比较,我们需要深入考虑维修、保险等问题。Their lives were exciting and glamorous; ours seemed dull by comparison.他们的生活刺激精彩;比较而言,我们的就显得沉闷了。This is a good book, but it cannot stand comparison with that one.这本书很好,但是比不上那本。In comparison to her previous novel, this one falls short. 与她的上一部小说相比,这部小说要逊色一些。There's just no comparison between canned vegetables and fresh ones.罐装蔬菜无法和新鲜蔬菜相比。You realize that your problems are insignificant in comparison.要知道,你的问题相对来说微不足道。The brochure draws a comparison between the hotel and a medieval palace.宣传手册上说,这家酒店堪比中世纪的皇宫。My car is so slow that it makes a bicycle look fast in comparison.我的车子那么慢,相比之下,倒还是骑自行车看上去快些!Is the human heart weak in comparison with the other organs?.与其他器官相比,人的心脏是不是很脆弱?Our problems don't bear comparison with those elsewhere.我们的问题与别处的问题不能相提并论。His poetry evokes/invites comparison with the work of Robert Frost.他的诗让人联想到罗伯特·弗罗斯特的作品。I find this example inapplicable for comparison.我发现这个例子不适于作比较用。It was a tame film in comparison to some that she's made.较之她拍摄的其他一些影片,这一部显得平淡乏味。I don't know enough history to make a comparison.我对历史还不够精通,无法加以比较。The clause of comparison is often elliptic.比较从句常用省略形式。By comparison, British artists seemed to lack imagination and invention.相比之下,英国艺术家似乎缺乏想象力和创造力。Without more data we cannot make a meaningful comparison of the two systems.如果没有更多的数据,我们就无法对这两个体系作有意义的比较。Their performance bears comparison with any hospital in Scotland.他们的业务水平不亚于苏格兰的任何一家医院。The recent violence makes previous uprisings look tame by comparison.相形之下,最近的暴力事件使以前的暴动显得平淡无奇。These books can stand comparison quite happily with works by Dickens.这几本书完全可与狄更斯的作品媲美。This website is a valuable resource for comparison shopping.这个网站为货比三家提供了宝贵数据。The similarity between the two invites comparison.两者的相似性让人很容易拿它们作比较。They were living rather well, in comparison with people elsewhere in the world.和世界上其他地方的人相比,他们生活得相当好。Film stars and models seem to lead glamorous lives in comparison to ordinary folk.与普通人相比,电影明星和模特儿们的生活似乎很光鲜。There are no previous statistics for comparison.没有以往的统计数据可供比较。That comparison isn't as wide of the mark as it seems.那种比较并非像看起来那么离谱。I wouldn't mess with him—he makes bodybuilders look puny in comparison.我可不会招惹他—健美运动员在他面前都相形见绌。That's a good dictionary, but it won't bear comparison with this.那是一本好词典,但比不上这一本。Jane is still young, and Fiona seems old by comparison.简依然年轻,而菲奥娜相比之下就显老。




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